Marantz SR-5000 Logo
Tom Mondragon Posted on May 13, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Marantz SR5000 Protect mode

I know nothing about stereos. My Marantz SR5000 went into a mode where it just says "protect." I tried to reset it with the reset button, but it does not work. Is there something simple I should do? Is there a fuse that needs to be replaced, or do I need to send it to the factory? Thanks

  • Grammy2Tay Apr 28, 2008

    My granddaughter was playing with the buttons and now it just says PROTECT. I tried leaving it off for a few days and when I turn it back on, it appears to be working then immediately displays PROTECT. I contacted Marantz and they said it needs service. There are no authorized repair service shops in my area and i really don't want to ship it out. HELP!

  • Crystls Aug 02, 2008

    I have the same Deivce and it says protection mode and wont play any music. How do I fix the problem? need help!!


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Robert A. Watson

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  • Posted on Jul 09, 2012
Robert A. Watson
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The Marantz SR5000 and others of it's make, design type, and year group are prone to this problem. Many such units can be reset by pressing a sequence of three buttons with sporadic results... the SR5000; however, does not provide any such option. If the "Auto protect" mode comes "on" then you know it's not a simple power supply "fuse" problem that can be fixed for a dollar by opening the case and replacing the glass fuse with one of the same rating value that is stenciled on to the power supply circuit board. (Easier than trying to read the old fuse.) If you can get the schematics and know a bit about replacing electronics parts using a low-power soldering iron, then you might want to take a shot at fixing it; otherwise, it's time for recycling. (Tip: Look for discolouration on a part on a circuit board first, this indicates overheating and a possible short. Then trace the schematic circuit for the "Auto Protect" circuit to diagnose which integrated circuits is at fault.) Typically, it costs more to fix it in a commercial shop than it's worth as someone has to pay the cost of benchtime diagnostics... the repair part is fast once the faulty parts are discovered. There are free sources on-line of the service guide for this receiver; however, downloading the plethora of rar files to assemble a complete manual is a challenge.

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The witch

Francisco Mauricio G

  • 1551 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 02, 2008

SOURCE: Marantz sr 500 going to "protect" mode when on.

Change the audio amplifiers IC´s because are on short circuit


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