Kenmore 417.44102 is 5 yrs old. The other day, it started making a banging noise on final spin. I can manually turn the stainless tub, but do hear a grinding noise, as if the tub is rubbing against...
sounds like th bracket on the back of the basket has broken. just replaced mine and itwas abit ofa bear. teardown is all from the back and itis almost a complete teardown, remove back panel and top, remove struts on the lower drum assembly, remoive drive belt. the large drum assembly has a bunch of screws tht holdit together(heads aretoward the front of the waser) remove all of the lower screws, removeth springs from the top of the drum ssemblyand remove he srings. take out thescrews fron th top halfof the drum assembly. the back half should now comeout. remove the bolt holding te drive pully onto the drum assembly then th plastic drum assemblycan b removed from thebassket. the back of the basket has a bracket on it I bet itis broken. this is a 200 dolar part, (basket) and replacementis the reversal ofremoval. it is a difficult and somewhat time consuming repair butit was well worth it for me