You can remove the protector and the tv will work fine, they all come off a little differently however. I would start with removing the speaker grille and see if there are screws along the bottom of the screen frame. If so you can probably remove them and lift up un the entire frame it will be on hangers mounted on the sides. Once you get the frame off you will see how the screens are mounted inside with brackets. If not, some of the RCA's you would actually remove the wooden top of the TV and slide the screens out from the top. In this case you will see two things. 1) a couple of screws near the top of the TV on the sides possible hidden with a plastic screw cover. 2) on the back of the TV at the top you will see two metal tabs/slots that almost look like hinges. Remove the screws and lift the top from the front and it will pivit out of the tabs on the back. Then you have your screens exposed on the top and slide them out. Good luck!
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thank you thank you thank you sooooo much. but can i buy a replacement ???
is it ok for the second layer of screen to be exposed? i have three young boys and i am scared it will be damaged further. thank you so much for your help.