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I have a rca tv model #F31317 it's less then 5 yrs old. i went to turn it on this morning, and i pushed the power button, and i heard the click, like it's gonna turn on, but it didn't no sound either, then i heard 3 more clicks after that. every time i tried it would do the same thing, even using the remote. i checked the breaker outside, it was fine, i checked the plugs, switched them, still nothing. i just would like to know if i need to buy another one, or it's something simple. i appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
The unit is in shutdown (There is a failure in the unit). Repair should be rather inexpensive if take to a repair facility (I'd guess about $80.00 depending on labor rates in your area). And most will give you an estimate for very little ($20-40)
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