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Bruce Parker Posted on May 01, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Need new power cord

I ripped my power cord in two while moving tv. Thinking about sodering peices back together. But would rather have replacement power cord. Can I get one, and then where to get one. Help me out here.

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  • Posted on May 01, 2007
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Recommend against soldering the damaged ends together - it's ugly, will never be especially safe, and risks being unreliable too. Have a look at the TV end of the cable. Does it go straight into the TV, or is there a plug that goes into the TV. If there's a plug, just pull it out, take it along to shop that sells TVs and they'll sell you a new one off the shelf. If the cable goes straight into the TV, the solution is just a tiny bit more involved. First, look at the mains plug to check whether it is moulded on, or rewirable. If moulded on, you will need both a new plug, and some flex. If rewireable, you'll only need the flex. Either way, take the cut-off end to Home Depot or somewhere similar and buy something the same shape and size (thickness of the wires is the important thing here). To fit, carefully take the back off the TV and look at how the existing cord was connected and secured before removing it and putting the new one on in exactly the same way. Don't forget to push the wire through the hole in the case (if there is one) before connecting it up. Once the flex is fitted to the TV, fit the plug to the other end. Safety/reliability tip 1 - while the back is off, try not to touch any electrical or electronic components inside the TV other than the power terminals you're supposed to be working on. Saety tip 2 - when renewing a power cord, wire the new cord to the appliance before fitting the plug to the other end of the cord - amazing how many people have helpfully been plugged into the mains in the middle of a job. A.

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