We haven't used our bread machine in a few years and we just pulled it out of the basement. We've tried it twice and have gotten the same results each time. The machine seems to go through all the cycles just fine, but when the machine is through, all I get is a big, well-risen, ball of dough that hasn't baked. I suspect there may be something wrong with the heating element, but if this is a problem anybody else has encountered with a fix other than taking it to be repaired, please let me know.
I am having the same problem. Because of the way a heating element is made, it should have very little resistance when ohm ed out using a multimeter. Mine does too. The only other thing I could suggest is to test the relay on the circuit board. If 12V is applied across the coil, you should get a short across the contacts that run to the yellow wire and I think the through the board connection that has a 5 on it. It will be the same electrically as the top of the actuating coil for the relay. I haven't tested mine yet though so I'm not sure of that connection, but one of them should be shorted to the yellow wire connection when the relay is energized. Well, good luck troubleshooting. Have fun.
The only thing to do is to open the appliance and check with a multi-meter for the ohmmage iof the heater element it should give you less than 100ohms, if not it may be open circuit from inside the element. If so you only have to buy another heater and replace it! Patrick
SOURCE: The bread did not bake. The ingredients mixed,
You may have a bad heating element. If this is the case it will be hard to find that part.
Usually answered in minutes!
Will not bake. Does every thing else. Checked element and it had 22.1 ohms, fluke 87. Any thoughts
I have exactly the same problem...been searching the web for a service/repair center to avoid shipping costs back to the manufacturer.
Has anyone found repair services in Atlanta GA?
Where can I buy a new heating element?
Everything works but it is not baking. Could it be the element ?