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Brian Templeton Posted on May 11, 2007

Unit in constant Loading state

Hi,My JVC has gone into meltdown,when i power it up it states "Loading" on the front and does not do anything else,I have left it over night to see if it boots but it still say's "Loading" in the morning.Can anyone help please.

  • dpelrod Jan 25, 2009

    will not boot... display shows "loading" and does nothing else... will not power off... must disconnect power cord... tried the reset method from manual and another web site without results...


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  • Posted on Jan 30, 2013
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Same problem on my JVC DR-DX5SU. Says "loading..." and will not respond. Factory solution is to quickly unplug and plug / or unplug for several hours and plug-in. I suspect that is to cold start and clear error flags. Did not work for me. I looked at the power supply board (immediately behind the DVD drive, on top of the hard disk). I noticed one capacitor was "bulging" on the top. See photo. Electrolytic caps should never be bulging - if anything, the top should be slightly concave.Cap was SAMXON 1500uF,10V,1400mA ripple - I suspect either voltage or current ripple spikes were exceeding its capability. Replaced it with a Panasonic EEUFR1C182 (Mouser.com), 1800uF, 16v, 2470 ripple current, to give it extra margin. Runs correctly now.Unit in constant Loading state - 1_30_2013_1_21_49_pm.jpg



Send the unit to the JVC Service Center with a note explaining the problem, your name, and address. They will likely replace a few resistor and your machine should act like new.


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I'm sorry to tell you that your daughter is out of luck :(
In the ti calculators, most data is stored in ram. this includes programs, variables, etc. the RAM is kept in its current state by battery power. But, when that battery power is lost the ram reverts to its normal state, erasing all data stored in it.
you best bet is going to be to re enter all data possible as fast as possible in time for testing
hope that helps :)

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If you are comfortable removing the the cover and going inside the unit you can remove the dvd player or just lift it out partially to access the front of the dvd player. It has a eject button on the buttom right hand corner , its a dvd player-recorder that can be hooked up to PC, same power connector but you have to remove that adapter connector for the IDE cable on the PC. You need some sort of dvd player software on your PC to run it, there some free ones out there or trial versions. Works quite well even on a older PC (900Mhz Pentium 3,128 MB RAM). Hope this helps you out, good luck. Don't forget to unplug the unit before going in.

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First of all if it is still under warranty take it back and exchange it or have them look at it. As far as it not wanting to turn off you can search for a reset button on the back of the unit. Reset it. Or if no reset button just unplug it and plug it back in. See if that helps. As far as being jammed. Unplug the unit. Very carefully take the unit apart. See if anything has been accidentally placed in the unit when a dvd was pushed in at the same time. I have experienced this before cause I have little kids. Things happen. Now there again by taking it apart could void any warranty you may have. Also something in the unit could also shorted a circuit out causing it to not turn off.
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