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I am on my third phone, ( the first two i had replaced by asurion insurance for the same problem as my current one ) and once again the chargeing port on the phone is coming loose and like the other two phones will probably break completely stopping me from charging my phone. The phone i have now, i recieved as a replacement from asurion and is only two months old and has never received any external damage. Asurion won't replace it without a deductable ( even though it is clear that it was sent to me broken ). Has anyone figured out a way to fix the phone by maybe squirting some glue inside near the charging port or using the data port as a charger, or maybe heard of a consumer recall on the phone?
plz dont try to do it yourself
== go to a local phone repair store and in your presence tell the technician to do it
== this will not charge you much and the rick factor will be nill
Good luck
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