Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse Logo

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September Gray Posted on Apr 26, 2007
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Microsoft wireless optical mouse

Mouse is a year old. Mouse decided it does not want to work. Changed the batteries out, reset the mouse and still not working. Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous Apr 19, 2008

    My Microsoft Optical Mouse 2000 just doesn't work at all!

    I went to the microsoft web site. I started all over, as if I had just purchased it. I restarted my computer, took the batteries out and unplugged the receiver. I put the batteries back in and plugged the receiver back in to the USB port. Nothing changed. I restarted the computer again. Still no change. I have changed the batteries, pressed the connect button on the mouse, pressed the button on the receiver, & moved it to different USB ports all to no avail. PLEASE HELP

    [email protected]

  • Anonymous Mar 30, 2014

    optical mouse does not respond. Changed batteries. checked driver. No other Optical mouse works on the p.c. The Mouse Hardware says it is working correctly. Where is the problem. should I buy another one and where from? Must it be the same model or is the fault in the p.c..


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  • Posted on Apr 27, 2007
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You have two micro switches that wear-out quickly. try going to. Control panel. Click on Devices. Then on Mouse try switching your right button to left button on button options. try hitting restore defaults. Make sur your remote sending unit is plugged in and the lie is on steady. good luck Joe_Rex

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Goo0dness, Had this myself just last week. Fortunately I had the old keyboard and mouse and plugged it in to get access. I deleted the wireless keyboard from device manager. rebooted the machine, quickly changed the mouse and keyboard back to the wireless one and it all came back on. saved me buying a new one. Hope this works for you.

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Microsoft wireless notebook optical mouse quit working

You may have a bad mouse.

Try the mouse on another computer. Since it's a microsoft product it should install automatically just fine. It'll either work or it won't If it doesn't call Microsoft. The mouse has a warranty and MS will replace it. I was in a similar situation with a MS mouse and they sent me a new device. I did not have to send the bad device in and I got the replacement in a couple of days.

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I have the same system. Mouse can be ordered, but not easily. Make sure mouse is not working.... i almost made tour same mistake. In my case, the mouse plug (from computer to wireless receiver) had become unhooked. All i could see is that mouse was communicating with wireless receiver but appeared to be frozen. If you can reset receiving channel, and see that receiver acknowledges presence of mouse, you may have my same problem. Also, if you can see that the laser light is working, mouse is probably ok, and batteries are good.


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I suppose there is a reset button on the keyboard or the software provided so I suppose it could be possible, I don't know.
I use a Microsoft Wired Keyboard...
But Best of luck.


Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000 help

I had the same problem.
Press the button on the underside of the USB, the green light will flash. Now press the reset button on the underside of the mouse. Your mouse should now work.

Wireless optical 3000 mouse not working

take the NEW mouse and re-install through the control panel option (for win +) or the correct procedure for the OS that you are using. the old one is likely dead. good luck!

Microsoft Wireless Notebook Optical Mouse 3000 not working

Most devices last a long time. Have you tried re-installing the software for the keyboard & Mouse> Also go to microsoft download center and get the latest drivers for you setup. Make sure when you do, choose the right Operating System driver for your Keyboard & Mouse. Hope this helps. Bud
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