Cowon System iAUDIO X5 MP3 Player Logo

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steve klimm Posted on May 03, 2007

Dropped iaudio X5 and it wont turn on

I dropped my iaudio X5 at school and it wont turn on and i dont have a warrenty for it anymore and i dont know what to do cuz my friend opened it up can someone help me and tell me what i can do with it please help

  • Anonymous Apr 04, 2008

    I happened to drop my iaudio, recently it has trouble turning on it usually keeps blinking and doesn't show the complete screen ...however  when it does turn on, it still can transfer files at the same speed, and all the files are still in it but when i try to play the songs it has static in the background and doesn't play for a while then it plays and all the sudden i hit the volume button to turn the volume down the music suddenly stopped again is there a way to fix this? is it something with the wiring being disconnected because i don't have a warranty for it


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  • Posted on May 10, 2008
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I found out a problem with it, i had the same problem if u have rockbox on their, u got to get rid of it, when it turns on plug the USB to the mp3 player, make sure it comes in the Drive of your computer, use a Windows XP, or any updated windows computer make sure that it's formatted into a FAT32 drive and format make sure u put the original firmware back into it, it can be downloaded from any Cowon Site, here is the steps if u want to know how to start it off Windows XP formatting instructions:
1. Connect your iAudio player to your PC's USB port and wait for it to detect.
2. Go to My Computer, click on Start then click on My Computer
3. Select the iAudio drive, then click on file and select format.
4. Click OK to format
Needs to be a FULL format and in FAT32.
after that is done, it will reset all the folders, and wipe off the hard drive and it should be back to normal, from then on it should work, if it doesn't try to use this site to request for a RMA repair service if u want to, u could try the Rockbox again if it is on it, but just know it's not fully supported by Iaudio...and ill give the Firmware link too if u want it [X5 Firmware] if it don't turn on possibily u can try to reconnect the power wire into the solder joints that should help with that issue, the power wire is red...that should help turn it on



I had the same problem, it turns out that one of the wires was disconnected. so connect it and ur ready to go.


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