Pioneer PureVision PDP-4340HD 43 in. Plasma HDTV Logo
Neener McInnis Posted on Apr 20, 2007
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TV wont turn on power button flashes and record timer comes on.

When I try and turn on my tv the power button flashes red and the record timer red light comes on. I have had the TV for about a year and a half. I called the place where I bought it form and they said it is off warranty and they want $700 to fix it. When we bought this TV it was around $5000. We were told this was one of the best tv's on the market and it would last for 20 years. NOT. For $5000 I think my TV should last for longer than a year and a half. I am really upset. We called pionner direct and they said this is rare and allthough they agree this sholdn't have happened in such a short period of time there is nothing they can do for us. Help. Has anyone had this problem or knows how to fix it.

  • Anonymous Dec 03, 2007

    Tuner section comes on and panel clicks (relays) but power does not come on and led in lower left hand corner flashes. I'm guessing one of the power supplies has failed the system knows it and shuts the rest down.

  • ryne88 Feb 10, 2008

    pioneer elite pro 506 pu. my tv does the same thing and is less than a year old and coast me 8000$ what is going on here


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  • Posted on Apr 20, 2007
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For ANYONE to claim a TV will last for 20 years is outrageous! I don't care if it cost 10,000 dollars that is the wrong thing to say. Plasma TV's do generate a lot of heat and heat is the enemy of electronics. I would shop around for a repair because to quote $700 without looking at it is also outrageous. Then again it is well below the cost of a replacement Pioneer plasma.

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