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Bob Redweik Posted on Apr 19, 2007

Canon GL2 shuts down automatically while in record mode

My GL2 shuts off automatically while recording then instantly back on again into pause mode. Does it approx 20 times in a 1 hour shoot. Shuts down then instantly back on and into pause mode. It does NOT do it while on a tripod or while being set on a tabletop. The camera MUST be handheld and used usually happens while the camera is tilted in one direction or the other. Batteries are fine, Canon batteries in superb shape. Only 40 hours on this camera. Canon has had it twice and the techs "Claim" they cannot find anything wrong. I think it's a manufacturing defect known about by Canon in a certain batch of GL2 cameras and they don't want to fess up about it. They'd have to replace quite a few GL2's at 2500 apiece so they play dumb about it and just send your camera back to you claiming it's working perfectly. As soon as you get it back and turn it on within 15 seconds you can get it to shut down and come back on and into pause mode. You know that no-one even looked at it. They already know its messed up and it's a problem they do not know how to fix. I've seen lots of other guys with this exact same complaint on the message boards so far but no explanation or fix for the problem. I'll never buy another CANON product again. Ever. Very very poor service by Canon.

  • xuanluu Sep 10, 2008

    I have the same problem. The camera used to shut off just on stand by mode and then immediately turn back on but now shuts down automatically while I'm on record mode.

    This is obviously not the "power saving auto shut off" feature that turns the camera off automatically to avoid wearing down the heads. That feature is turned off.

    It is also not a battery problem because I have two batteries and it does the same thing on both batteries.

    It seems to shut down automatically when I'm moving the camera around versus holding it fairly still. I film skateboarding and when I roll along side using a fisheye, it seems like fast movements or minor shaking may possibly trigger the shut downs. When I film long lens without a fisheye, (only slight panning and very slight tilting) it does not happen as often.

    Does anyone out there have any idea how to fix this auto shut off problem?

    Apparently Canon is horrible with repairs so I don't know if they can even fix it. My GL2 also has the infamous "tape eject" problem but it rarely happens with my camera. My friend sent his GL2 to Canon to repair the "tape eject" problem and when he got it back, it was the exact same thing. They just performed routine "maintenance" and didn't fix the tape eject problem at all.

  • Anonymous Dec 19, 2008

    mine does it too; shuts off during recording; mot of the time when it has happened it has been around other digital camers and or cell phones. i think it is a frequency thing...because usually i notice it is trying to access my memory card; even w/ the memory card out it still sometimes does it;


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With my GL2 when this started happening, it was shutting down in record or when paused. It was definitely a bad battery connection. I used a small knife blade and pried up the contacts a little on my battery and it stopped the shutting down and powering back up on mine!

Hope this helps others with this problem!



Turn off the power saver mode. I did it and it works!

  • Praizsing Jul 03, 2011

    To turn off the Auto Power Saver: With the switch in "Camera" position, go to the "Menu", then go CAM.MENU, go down and select "VCR SET UP". Arrow down and select "PWR SAVE" then select "VCR STOP". This will stop the camera from shutting down after 5 minutes while you're waiting to record.



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How do I record information, shut the recorder off then go back to the same spot and continue recording information so that all the information is all together?

Most digital voice recorders, have a filing system. It is usaully labeled either: A, B, C, D or 1, 2, 3, 4 (these are the main folders) and each of these folders contains a set amount of files (in most cases about 99 subfolders). So you can have folder A file 1, 2, 3 and so on... When pressing the RECORD button for the first time you are in one of the main folders and your recording gets a sub folder number. To continue recording where you left off last time or where 'stopped' use the PAUSE and not the STOP function. The moment you press STOP instead of PAUSE you will change the sub folder number - and therefore not have one continous recording. If you turn the power off or remove the batteries you will also change the sub folder number. Most of the better recorders have a voice activation function that places the recorder on pause automatically when there are no sounds. It will not change the sub folder number when it starts recording again - and will automatically pick up where it left off.

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Was the tape your trying to import recorded on the camera you are trying to import from? I've noticed that sometimes the tape I recorded on my old Panasonic won't show up on my GL2. It's like it's a blank tape, but I know it's not, as I have it labeled. Stick it back into the panasonic and it plays fine.

My GL2 only works when I turn it on to playback mode. When I try to turn the camera on in camera mode, it doesn't work. What could the problem be?

There is a simple solution to that... You see under the 'card-tape' switch? There's the red button for recording... attached to that button the is a switch that says 'tandby or lock'.... if you have it in 'lock' it will not let you go to record mode, you have to change it back to 'standby' and that should solve your problem.... Anymore question just e-mail me at [email protected] and I was wondering if you had a copy of the installation CD I can buy or have.... or maybe you could tell me where to get it? Thanks.

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Thgis is a fault in the tape transport mechanism.

It should go for service To open this and try a DIY may well result in it never going back togethyer again properly.
Thanks for using FIXYA

Canon zr40 stuck in pause mode

Remove the battery.   Wait 10 seconds.  Put it back in and see if that resets it.

Color registration on Canon GL2: purple recorded as blue

I have the same problem on my Canon XH-A1 and sony TRV33. I wonder if this problem applies to all camcorders?

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