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It is about 4 years old. and is looks like it is in a zoom of what is on the TV I will try to post a picture of the tv when I get back to townIt is about 4 years old. and is looks like it is in a zoom of what is on the TV I will try to post a picture of the tv when I get back to town
AnonymousMay 09, 2008
I had the same problem which was expanded width,and the horizontal controls do not work in the service menu. the fix is to change N401 ic pak part # in TDA8350Q, and then the horizontal controls in the service menu will work.I know, its the vertical chip,and i did not believe it either,but just do it. signed diamond tv. be careful in the service menu,cause as you know you can really mess the tv up. To get into the service menu,press volume all the way down,and the press the mute button on the remote and the menu button on the tv at the same time.
I had the same problem which was expanded width,and the horizontal controls do not work in the service menu. the fix is to change N401 ic pak part # in TDA8350Q, and then the horizontal controls in the service menu will work.I know, its the vertical chip,and i did not believe it either,but just do it. signed diamond tv. be careful in the service menu,cause as you know you can really mess the tv up. To get into the service menu,press volume all the way down,and the press the mute button on the remote and the menu button on the tv at the same time.
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It is about 4 years old. and is looks like it is in a zoom of what is on the TV I will try to post a picture of the tv when I get back to town
I had the same problem which was expanded width,and the horizontal controls do not work in the service menu. the fix is to change N401 ic pak part # in TDA8350Q, and then the horizontal controls in the service menu will work.I know, its the vertical chip,and i did not believe it either,but just do it. signed diamond tv. be careful in the service menu,cause as you know you can really mess the tv up. To get into the service menu,press volume all the way down,and the press the mute button on the remote and the menu button on the tv at the same time.