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gregg trautner Posted on Apr 17, 2007
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Big screen troubles....

Hi, i have a sony 53" model #kp-53s35 that was new in 1997. it will turn on for just 15-20 seconds just fine, then it gets a bright blue screen for a few seconds and sounds like it has shut off. but just the picture is off. it is still on with the stereo light on, but no sound or picture. if you turn it off and back on again it goes to the blue screen right off and then goes off again. what could this be? and what do you think it will run to fix it? (ballpark). thanks for your time, gregg

  • gregg trautner Apr 18, 2007

    it started running fine this afternoon for some reason. it has been on and watched for several hours now. what gives now? why would this be????

  • gregg trautner Apr 18, 2007

    well i got up this morning, flipped it on and it goes to a blue screen with sound. if you turn it off for a few seconds and then back on, it will get a picture and stay on for a while. then it goes to a blue screen and then sounds like it shuts down again. but it is still on. just now picture or sound. turn it off and back on again and it's fine. sometimes you have to turn it off and on again several times, but then it's good for the day as long as you dont turn it off. or the whole process starts over again. what do you make of that? seems if the crt was bad or shorted it would stay bad.


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  • Posted on Apr 18, 2007
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It is either going to be a shorted blue CRT (picture tube) or a driver board for it. I suspect the CRT itself.

  • Anonymous Apr 18, 2007

    Probably an intermittent short within the blue CRT then. It is a possibility that there was some particles within the cathode of the blue CRT that internal arcing sometimes will clear itself up and remove those particles.


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