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Mark Laney Posted on May 10, 2007

Stopped filtering dust...

I bought a Brookstone Pure-Ion UV about 6 months ago that was working wonderfully night and day. Recently I noticed that there is no dirt collecting on the cylinders. I pulled them out and vacuumed/wiped off a lot of dirt that was inside the unit. I paid careful attention to the contacts at the bottom that supply the voltage to the cylinders. I've run it overnight and still there is no dust/dirt stuck to the cylinders. The fan runs, the UV lights, and it sounds the same. What else can I try? I have a multimeter. Are there ways to can check voltages, shorts, or opens?

  • Mark Laney May 10, 2007

    Any ideas or similar experiences?


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  • Posted on Feb 28, 2008
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I just got one from some one that wash trashing it because it quit. The problem with this one was a bad power regulating transistor. $1.69 at Radio Shack. I also found that the board that supplies the voltage to the grid had several bad solder joints on it. Take the bottom/stand off: four screws. Take the next 4 screws you see out then the bottom should come off. The small board next to the motor energizes the grids. The transistor on that board needed to be re solderd. Also the flimsy black wire was loose too. Hope this helps.

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Brookstone pure ion filters

You need to reset it, unplug the unit and take out both filters. Then, plug it back and and simultaneously and firmly slam both filters into the back of it at the same time. Before putting both filters back inside the until, also vacuum out the insides in case there is hair/dust inside of it that has accumulated.
Also, make sure your filters are 100% dry before every putting them back inside the unit.
Good luck!

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Thank you.

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the clean filter light will reset itself once the filter is completely clean. Try dust off the areas where the filter is inserted into as well.

Help! My air ilter quit!

I bought one a year ago and never thought it work well in cleaning the air. I get more dust on my counters than collects in the pure-ion. I recently got a letter from an attorney saying they are settling a class action suit on these purifiers because the are not effective. I called brookstone and they said they will refund my money because of the law suit. Good luck.
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