On my sony cybershot, the camera's LCD does not work. When I turn it on, all that appears on the screen is a white image, and can't not see any of the pictures I have taken. I can only take pictures and see them on the computer, but not on the LCD, Again all I see is a White Image on the LCD screen. Please Help, Jay
Hit the buttons on the back all at once with my thumb and it worked.
I hit the cyber thing and it worked.
Tapping the logo worked - THANK YOU!!!!
I LOVEEEEEEEEE YOU GUYS. It Worked [Tapping The Front With My Knuckle While The Camera Was Off]
Wow.. i tried it- it did work!!
So I had someone tell me so press where it says Sony on the back and the picture would kinda come but it wouldn't stay long and was usually really blurry. I read this and just tapped the place where it says sony and it worked! The picture was perfect!
Thank you for the solution. It works with my camera. Just a slight finger flick on the logo. Harkpau
SONY RECALL your camera MAY be on Sony's recall list...I have the same problem on a different model. Sony is sending me a UPS label and will pay for ALL repairs...I originally called their tech support and they did not tell me about the recall..my local camera shop told me there was a huge recall...so I called sony again and suddenly they are fixing it for free. Just call them and say " I am calling about the recall" SONY 1-800-222-7669 the list of model number is on this site http://www.futureshop.ca/marketing/product_recall/images/sonyrecall_en.pdf?logon=&langid=EN
Woohoo hitting the cybershot logo worked!! thanks for the help!
It workeds! Just tap the logo and the contact connects and the white screen disappears. the normal screen will appear with pictures. Shame on sony to charge 150 pounds for the camera and then fit dodgy cables, if i took this to a shop for fix, they would charge me 40 pounds and tap it!
I totally took my camera apart, blew on the stuff on the inside (because I couldn't tell what connector they were talking about), and put it back together. It now totally works. I can see all my pictures again. No more white screen. I am EXTREMELY happy!
Hitting the Cyber Shot logo totally worked! Thanks!
Same problem. tried hitting the logo hard with my knuckle and it came on. picture rotates but is still there
Hitting the cyber shit logo works well and always use fully charged battries
I had the same problem and tried hitting the Cyber-shot logo and it worked!
Awesome site!! My DSC-P41 had a white screen but could still take pictures. I took 4 screws out of the camera(2 on the bottom and 2 beside the memory slot) and the cover popped off. I eased out the flat connector (the small one about 3/16"), cleaned it with an alchol wipe and put it back in and put it all back together. Works great! thanks everyone!! c
If you indeed have the white/blank LCD problem, save your money and try this first:
1. Hold camera firmly in left hand.
2. Smartly rap front of camera with knuckles of right hand on the "Cyber-shot" logo.
Think of the thousands of Shutter-Bugs this is going to help especially from otherwise paying for unnecessary repair bills.
By hitting the cyber shot logo really worked
That actually worked, the "hitting the logo" thing. Thanks!
See the tread about rapping on the front of the camera where it says cyber shot. it really works,.
Hello, The problem is in bad contacts on flat cable from the LCD. Cleaning the cable and the connector can solve the problem. If you need more info please advice.
Usually answered in minutes!
I have the same problem but every thing is whte.
I had the same problem. I turned on my camera and all I could see was a white screen. I had last used it six days ago and still had not yet uploaded the pics to my computer. Strangely, I could see them on the computer. Then I searched and used the solutions offered and thankfully, it worked - just by tapping on the Cyber-shot logo at the front of the camera.
Thanks folks!!!
my screan is white and i can see my pictures only on the comp
Thanks for the help I really had prblm there was no picx only white screan then i just hitt the front of the camere so no its working well,
Hitting the logo worked for me too... How funny!!
When we turn on the Sony DSC-S40 there is a white screen and no menu.
Dear sir
I have somr problem. my camera sony HC-62. My sister is camera ON charging. She don't no camera charging OFF. So my camera LCD dosen't work. Pls help me?
[email protected]