Mitsubishi WS-65315 65" Rear Projection HDTV-Ready Television Logo
Chad Russo Posted on Apr 15, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Convergence not lining up

I have had a problem with a green tent on every channel. It is most evident with white text on the screen. Green color will separate from the white text, separates to the right only. On HD channels, the color red will separate and follow the outline of someone's nose or head or arm. On the convergance screen the red and blue line up fine. The vertical green will line up fine with both red and blue. The horizontal green is about a centemter longer than the blue and red causing the white horizontal line to have a green tail. If I move the blue and red to line up with the right side of the green then the left side will have a centemeter of green and the vertical green will be separated from the red and blue. The best I can do is a nice white cross with a centemter of green exposed on the end of the right side of the horizontal line. I have had the green projection tube replaced and 2 internal chips replaced. (I do not know the names of the chips replaced.) The problem has not been fixed and they do not know what else to try. Any advise would be appriciated. I am a little frustrated with the repair shops not knowing what to do for me. thanks...

  • Chad Russo Apr 16, 2007

    That did the trick. My tv is back to normal. Thanks for the help.


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  • Posted on Apr 15, 2007
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Sounds like the green is out of focus. If the focus control for the green does not control it enough to make the width the same as the red, then, the lens on top of the green can be adjusted to focus that tube. On the lens, there is a wing nut on a screw to loosen it and move the lens left or right a bit to help with the focus. Hope this helps.

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