Acer Aspire T135 PC Desktop Logo
Debbie Morley Posted on Apr 10, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Dead Acer desktop

Have a year old Acer. Not used a lot -kids computer. Had a little trouble powering it down a little while ago. Now won't boot at all. No fan, no hard drive, no noise. I took off the cover and front panel to check the connections and power button. When I push the power button without the front cover button, the power indicator on the top of the PC front panel lights up but still no noise or anything. If I'm getting the LED light, does that mean it can't be a power supply problem? Acting like it just isn't getting any power since the fans don't jump or anything. Any ideas on what I should do to fix this or figure out what to do next? Hate to trash it since it's so new. Shouldn't be having problems already.... Thanks, Debbie

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  • Debbie Morley Apr 11, 2007

    Thanks for the help! I reseated the connectors and still nothing. The fan on the power supply doesn't move. All I get is the tiny led power light and that's it.

    Anything else I should check?



  • Debbie Morley Apr 13, 2007

    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    I don't really know if the light is brighter or dimmer. Kids' computer so I didn't use it to notice the light before.

    Moved the jumper. Not sure what sandrew meant about the battery being flat. The top of its surface is flat but it looks normal. Could do the paperclip thing since there are lots of black wires. It's the kind with like 25 pins or something. Just one green but lots of black.

    Don't have another computer to move it to.

    Thinking of calling today to see if I can get a replacement power supply relatively cheaply and swap it out. Sounds like it's that, but seems REALLY early for it to have died. Kids didn't abuse the switch, though they were using the power switch to put it to sleep and it started seeming flakey a little while ago. Not waking up when we pressed the button again. Had to kill the power and then reboot a few times. Does that mean anything?


  • Debbie Morley Apr 13, 2007

    I meant I couldn't try the paperclip thing. Which black wire would I use?

  • Debbie Morley Apr 15, 2007


    Took it in to someone to check the power supply yesterday. He said the power supply was dead. Was going to order a new one, but then he said he'd check and make sure everything else was OK by putting a power supply in my PC. Well, it KILLED his power supply!! He said that happens sometimes when there's a short on the motherboard, but seems really odd that there was no noise, smoke, nothing. Just didn't start and then when he used his tester thing on the new power supply it said it was bad. Does this really happen? If so, does that help figure out what's wrong with it? Am so frustrated that it happened on a year old PC assuming it's a big problem and I need a new motherboard.

    Also, if you are familiar with this scenario and have had this happen before, are the components (RAM, hard drive, etc) usually OK or do I have to worry that everything shorted out? No signs of damage inside -- nothing dark or smokey or burned or anything.

    Am going to call Acer Mon just on the long shot that they'd do something since it's so close to the warranty period, but thought I should check with you all to see what you think.

    Any thoughts?



    PS I am in the US and I checked for a voltage thing since the kids have accidentally bumped it on a old PC, but it's covered with plastic and there isn't anything on the back that could be inadvertently changed that I could see.

  • Anonymous Dec 15, 2007

    had the same problem with an acer computer. It turns out to be in the dc jack that is soldiered to the mother board. If the kids moved it around alot they might have loosened the soldeiered joints. You mioght need to repacee the dc jack or you might be able to have it re welded. The part runs any where from $20 to $50 and then about $100 to have it installed.


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I would agree with other posts to it being the power supply, but just try disconnecting from mains and taking the side off pc again and check that the cmos battery(disc shaped CR2032) is'nt flat. Also locate CLRCMOS or JBAT1 terminal to clear cmos by putting jumper from pins 1-2 to pins 2-3, then back to pins 1-2 again if it's a JBAT1 terminal, if a CLRCMOS or CLR or similair, just put a plastic jumper cap across both pins to short it, and try again. Best to try cheapest options first, but is does sound like a PSU problem, as sometimes is shows active but cannot power the processor.



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  • Posted on Apr 11, 2007
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Hi dmorley it's hard to diagnose your symptoms However let?s try the power supply in another Compatible unit first, if it works well then that Eliminate the power supply as a suspect. If it Doesn?t work, then you may need a new Power supply.try doing this first okay.


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Hi, "No fan, no hard drive, no noise" means the motherboard is not getting any power which is kinda out of sync because you are getting a power on light indicator. To confirm if your power supply is ok, check if the fan inside the power supply is working. you can look at the back of the casing, if it is turning then psu is ok. Try to reseat the power connector from the psu to the motherboard, some of the pins may not be in perfect contact but others are that's why the led lights up, but the mb is still dead. Please let me know how it works out for you. Regards.

  • Anonymous Apr 12, 2007

    Hi again Debbie, a question pls is your indicator light as bright as before or dimmer?
    Also you might want to check the back of the unit where the power cables go (pls make sure it is unplug) Try to see if the power supply has a voltage selector slider switch. It it has got one it should be set to 110. I was just thinking that you might have one of those power supplies with 110 and 200v settings. This is of course a shot in the dark cause all indicators point to a defective power supply. Good luck.

  • Anonymous Apr 12, 2007

    Debbie by 110 I am assuming you are somewhere in the states and not anywhere else that uses 220 like Europe or Australia. Otherwise please leave it as it is.


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the 4 pin is CPU power, and is never option ever
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