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MArcus Evans Posted on Apr 10, 2007

No detection after player freeze

My Zen froze in the middle of a video a couple of days ago and i reset it. Since then it tries to "rebuild" everytime i switch it on, but it only gets about one fifth of the way before it starts playing music again, but the thing is that it only plays 260 songs, where i previously had 3500+ songs. When I connect my player to my PC it asks me if i want to sync the player, view the files etc. but when I click on one of the options it says "player not connected". The annoying thing is that this has happened before but I cant remember how I solved the problem. But I'm sure I solved it via the player and not the PC. Any suggestions? Thanks

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Ok, it might have a bad hard drive. But either way, I have some suggestions. First, test for a bad hard drive by putting it in recovery mode. Get a paperclip and straighten out one end of it. Put the straight end into the reset hole on your Zen, and while its in there, push and hold the power button in the on position. Keep holding the power button in the on position until the screen shows that you are in recovery mode. It will have 4 options; select to format the drive. If it completes the format, the hard drive is still good. If it says "hard disk error" then the hard drive will need to be replaced. Now, if the hard drive is good, you need to try something else. Upgrade the firmware to version 1.62.02. Go to to download the firmware. Once its downloaded onto your computer, plug in your Zen and click the icon and start the upgrade. If that still doesn't help, I don't have a solution.

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