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Anonymous Posted on Apr 05, 2007

Dvd player hi there is any one know the reason for the cpu heating up on the video card and the lens does not get voltage?

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Henry Thomas

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  • Posted on Apr 05, 2007
Henry  Thomas
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Have your tech look into the power supply and the microchip they could be damage.check around for some shorted transistors and diode.the chip must replaced.good luck.

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The main card to your player should be troubleshooted.

LG RC6821W DVD/VCR combo player


Initially, pls try:
  • as others have posted, cleans the lens;
  • you could also try cleaning the inside particularly the guide rail/slider bar (encircled in dotted yellow) as shown in below image.
This of course would require a fair familiarity of electronic components/circuitry and safety procedures, use of a DVM and a soldering iron. It would be to your added advantage access to a service manual or at the very least a schematic diagram with voltage readings. Should you be uncomfortable performing a DIY (do-it-yourself), perhaps your best bet would then be to seek the services of a qualified professional.

Post/comment back any updates/development. Appreciate your use of Fixya and good luck.


DVD Player does not play most discs!

Hi, the reason why DVD does not play most disc,is because the lens of the DVD player is getting weak.

You will need to use a lens cleaner to clean up the lens so that it can be able to play CD's properly.

I guess that will solve the problem.

Take care.

I will put in a disc and it will say "no disc" Whats wrong?

When you get No Disc, it normally occurs for one of two reasons. Either dust has built up on the lens of the laser mechanism, or the operating voltage of the laser has drifted off slightly due to heat and age. Of course, occasionally there are actual failures of components, which cause this, but these are the main two reasons.

Tools required by this guide are (not all are required for all parts however):

1) A normal sizes star (Phillips) screwdriver.

2) A very small Phillips screwdriver.

3) A small, flat screwdriver.

4) Some isopropanol alcohol (IPA)

5) A few cotton buds

6) A little mechanical grease. (I've used Vaseline before)

7) A can of compressed air.

8) An oscilloscope.

Cleaning the laser lens

1) Remove any CDs from the unit and unplug all leads and memory cards. Turn the unit upside down and use the small, flat screwdriver to pop out all the little plastic and rubber screw covers.

2) Take your normal sized Phillips screwdriver and unscrew all the screws.

After removing them the step is to clean the laser lens

Take a cotton bud and careful place some of the alcohol on it (but not so much that it is dripping everywhere). This alcohol is the same (or similar) to the small bottle of alcohol which is in audio and video cassette cleaning kits. This is probably the best way to locate a source. Locate the lens (the circular glass part) and very gently rub the cotton bud around the lens in circular motions for about 30 seconds, being very gentle. Once done, flip the cotton bud over and dry the lens with the other end for about 10 seconds.
But if otherwise you will need to change the lens to a new one .
Take care.....


It keep saying no disk even though there is one....


When you get No Disc, it normally occurs for one of two reasons. Either dust has built up on the lens of the laser mechanism, or the operating voltage of the laser has drifted off slightly due to heat and age. Of course, occasionally there are actual failures of components, which cause this, but these are the main two reasons.

Tools required by this guide are (not all are required for all parts however):

1) A normal sizes star (Phillips) screwdriver.

2) A very small Phillips screwdriver.

3) A small, flat screwdriver.

4) Some isopropanol alcohol (IPA)

5) A few cotton buds

6) A little mechanical grease. (I've used Vaseline before)

7) A can of compressed air.

8) An oscilloscope.

Cleaning the laser lens

1) Remove any CDs from the unit and unplug all leads and memory cards. Turn the unit upside down and use the small, flat screwdriver to pop out all the little plastic and rubber screw covers.

2) Take your normal sized Phillips screwdriver and unscrew all the screws.

After removing them the step is to clean the laser lens

Take a cotton bud and careful place some of the alcohol on it (but not so much that it is dripping everywhere). This alcohol is the same (or similar) to the small bottle of alcohol which is in audio and video cassette cleaning kits. This is probably the best way to locate a source. Locate the lens (the circular glass part) and very gently rub the cotton bud around the lens in circular motions for about 30 seconds, being very gentle. Once done, flip the cotton bud over and dry the lens with the other end for about 10 seconds.
But if otherwise you will need to change the lens to a new one .
Take care.....


Regarding video, DVD player lens

hi,first and for most the machine should display no disc,bad disc,error disc e t c.

Hi All, Recently I purchased a Shinco DVP-815 DVD player. After couple hours of watching DVDs on it, it stopped working. When I put a disk in, it wouldn't recognize it. ''No Dish'' message would appear...

It can be two reasons. First, lens gets durty, so gently clean it with alcohol (rubbing, 40% wodka etc, NO ACETONE) and Q-tips.
If no help, it might be the second reason, lens is damaged and needs to be replaced. According to your description I would assume the second reason, but it is worthy to try to clean the lens first as it would be cheapest repair.
Hope that helps
Let me know if you need more info
Good Luck

Power to everything but CPU fan and case fan - won't boot

Hi this is tech crazy

The solution to the problem is as follows

The main reason for CPU fan overworking or not working is due to the load we put on the syatem while operating.So,the first reason for fan not working may be due to the SMPS malfunctionality.Better check out for it.The reason if fan is working but Overworking is due to viruses is system.So go in for format

Hope this solution helps you

Please do rate me on the above said solution

I put in dvd but it won't play it just goes around inside the pla

first check you any other disc in the dvd player.then also try the same dvd disc in any other player.then confirm exactly the problem.if its the dvd player that is having the problem then it must be because of faulty lens just follow this instructions. Step1Make sure the laser pickup lens is actually the problem. There are a wide variety of reasons that a DVD player might not read a disc efficiently. The disc could be scratched or dirty, for example. Test the DVD player with a disc that you know works before trying to clean the lens. Step2Purchase or borrow a lens cleaner disc and try it first. You can find these things really cheap at any large department store. They usually get the job done well. However, you may need to clean the lens manually if the store-bought cleaner fails. Step3Remove the outer casing of the DVD player. Remove the screws that mount the top casing onto the bottom of the DVD player and slide the top casing off. This will expose the DVD deck, which houses the laser pickup lens. Step4Find the lens. The lens will be glass and under the DVD clamp. The lens will probably have a blue tint to it. If you are having trouble finding the lens, you could shine a light on the components and watch for the reflection. Step5Use a cotton swab and some isopropyl alcohol to gently wipe the lens. Just a quick scrub will do. Dry the laser pickup lens with the other end of the swab. Step6Give the lens a few seconds to dry and replace the covering of the DVD player. Test the efficiency of the player. If necessary, repeat the process.
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