While I was watching TV, the picture suddenly went bad and now looks like this: - There are horizontal lines starting from the corners that bow inward a couple inches. - All the images seem to ghost parallel to these bowed lines. - The colors are off and I am seeing a lot of pink, green, and purple. - The right and left edges look fairly normal. The picture gets worse the closer you get to the center. Starting from the center, the picture gets worse the higher or lower you look. - The audio is fine. I have tried putting in a DVD and it looks the same, so I know the problem is not my input signal. Is there anything at all that I can do to fix this? Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.
Everybody here seems to have basically the same problem so I will write a general fix for these Samsungs. First what you got is known as Convergence failure, A Ic or resistor, fuse or some other component has failed in the convergence circuit. So finding the service menu and trying to align the colors or spinning magnets on the CRT’s or a real bad idea of tipping a CRT or mirror would be the equitant of ripping the transmission out of your car because it had a flat tire. When the convergence fails no adjustment will bring it back, and if you do one of these stupid things then you have two problems. Now most of these Samsungs have an easily replicable board that all the convergence amplifiers are on. This can be found by removing the back and seeing if there is a board about 9 X 5 inches big and mounted to the CRT mounts, there will be 5 connector to this board. Now if your set does not have this board and instead has the two convergence Ic’s (these are about the size of a playing card and have the numbers STK392-040 on them) mount down on a board below and to the right ( this is known as the deflection board) this repair will not work for you. Instead you will need to component level repair the convergence circuit. But if you do have this separate convergence board the repair is fairly straight forward. Go to www.vancebaldwin.com or some other supplier and order BP95-00142E this is the convergence board. This board has been crossed several times through the years but this is the current version. Now once you get this board simply replace it making sure to get al the connector back in there original spot. The fire up the set and run Flash focus and for about 95% this will fix the set
You needto replace the deflection/convergence board this is a common fault with this model of samsung the board is $180.00,after replacement you align the convergence .enter the service mode,mute-1-8-3 press enter to save your settings.
I have same problem. Call Samsung they fix with remote and chrge me $100. After 2 months hapen again. I call them and ask how to fix this problem. They sad that i need code to fix it and code they don't give to nobody.So i have to pay again to be fixed.
This is a convergence issue, where you have to replace a few circuits on a board inside the tv.
Usually answered in minutes!
my red deflection is bowed curved from right top corner toward left side and then from left center toward right bottom. corner.
exactly the same problem, nothing different
I have a 3 year old 52"rca hdtv and all of a sudden started a 3D fuzzy, ghostly image.model ITC222A