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My next door neighbor has a Zenith E44W46 LCD Projection TV and it has a problem. The TV worked fine for the past 2 years and all of a sudden they only get a picture by using Picture In Picture. It has sound and gets a picture in all PIP modes but the screen is blank in full picture mode. When you use PIP to split the screen in 1/2, it only gets a picture on the right side. I pulled the bulb and it looks OK and I can see it lighting from the back so I tend to think the bulb is OK, it either works or doesn't work, right? Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong, before we place a service call? THANKS for reading! Mike [email protected]
I have very same problem . pic n pic works as well as sound but no main pic.I have very same problem . pic n pic works as well as sound but no main pic.
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I have very same problem . pic n pic works as well as sound but no main pic.