Canon MultiPASS F20 All-In-One InkJet Printer Logo
Warren Lee Posted on Mar 27, 2007

Canon MultiPass F20 - "Wrong Cartridge error msg" - not new but hardly used

Hi, We have had this printer for about 3-4 years, but it has not had heavy use. Mostly black and white, some color...usually Draft mode, very little pictures/prints. I recently started to use KoRecType refills, to save some money. This was going fine for about 8mths... All of a sudden we are getting a "Wrong Cartridge" Error Message on the display. I evcen tried replacing the cartridges with Canon Original ink cartridges, but the message still appears. I have tried unplugging the machine to get it to reset. I have tried using rubbing alcohol to clean the area I can access. Is there any saving this printer ? Seems a shame to toss the whole scanner, photocopier, but it won't let me do ANYTHING - no functions whatsoever. HELP...

  • Bsrode Apr 23, 2009

    I have a similar problem but it states check printer as if something is jammed. But nothing is. I cannot remove the printhead because it is stuck all the way to the right. I don't want to try and force it to the middle. I see the grey lever but can't get the printhead out. Any ideas on how to remove it without damaging? Also makes a funny sound everytime I turn it on, like it's trying to move but can't.



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  • Posted on Nov 19, 2007
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Take both cartridges out and then you will see a grey lever in the front of the assembly that holds the two cartridges in it.
If you lift that lever up it will allow you to remove the print head assembly.
Soak that in some hot water, use a straw to help blow out any remaining ink residue in the holes that the ink flows throw and once it is dry again put it back in and see if the error goes away.
I'm just running a head cleaning, nozzle cleaning etc. now but I appear to be back in business.

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