Hello, I have a Philips 28PW6515-05 flat screen TV. For sometime it had two colour related problems. 1. Until few days back it used to start fine but after running for about half-an-hour a fluctuating pinkish tint used to appear on the screen. Tapping of chassis appeared to reproduce and fluctuate this effect. The tint used to vanish when the TV is turned off for about 10 or so minutes. One day I did not turned the TV off and the picture turned pinkish, then greenish before finally covering the screen permanently with pinkish purple colour with thin horizontal zigzag strips (from top to bottom). Strips moves only slightly. Screen selection button appear to change screen dimensions (wide screen etc.) but channel change etc. appear to make no difference. I even tapped all circuit board (with plastic rod and tv ON) but no effect on this purplish/ pinkish screen. There is no sound either. I have looked on all circuit boards, every thing appear fine and all solders looks healthy. Any clue if it recoverable and how? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
You have a bad connection on the CRT board thats mounted on the end of the picture tube it sounds like, or the socket on that board that plugs into the TV set is intermittant or has a bad solder connection on it. Good Luck
Yes for sure try that and look for burnt spots or marks. Be very carefull as the tube is easy to break and please make sure the set is turned off. Dont forget to rate this thread.
Yes you kinda wiggle it a little, very little, side to side while pulling on it slightly. and no, no wd40!
Ok it may need just an adjustment but if I am not mistaking, this is done through the on screen service menu, and you really should have a service manual to attempt these adjustments and I just looked and I do not have one to share with you.
Usually answered in minutes!
Thanks techman for your quick reply. There are two boards attached to CRT of this TV. One at the back and the other in at the beginning of the tail of CRT (at about 45 degree angel).
As I wrote earlier, apparently all solders looks fine and tapping and pressing of circuit board against socket (while TV is on) does not make any difference.
Should I ( and how?) remove the socket that connects the rear board into CRT and try to refit?
Considering fragile nature of CRT, before I attempt, could you please confirm that the socket is simply push fit and it can be pulled back straight? how about using wd40 to loosen it?
Rest assured I will rate the thread before posting the final outcome.
Hi techman,
I checked the socket. Some pins were blackish. I did clean them with very fine emery paper. But the situation is still the same. Is there any way they can be checked with continuity tester or so.
If this is not the problem, what else it may be?
I can access Service manual of Chassis A10E over the net but it is a bit too complex for me to understand...
I did try to enter customer service menu by pressing mute on the remote and one button on tv control panel ( procedure recommended by service manual) but the set failed to enter in in CSM and screen remained what it was.
I did not try to enter into Service Default Mode by using RC7150 (which I do not have) or by short circuiting the jumpers 9261 and 9262 (as recommended by service manual)
I do not know where these jumpers are and even if I find them, I am not clear as to how I should proceed.
Thanks for your assistance techman.
pinkish purple colour with thin white horizontal zigzag strips (from top to bottom). Strips moves only slightly. I have had the painter chip board checked and ifound faulty and it was replace by me same problem there can not get a picture just this pinkish purple colour with thin horizontal zigzag strips (from top to bottom).
please help
Philips 26PF4310/10 pink picture. TV runs normally for days then all of a sudden picture flashes pink. No way fixing it by any remote or set-top controls. Pulling power lead for a minute resets it and set may run ok again for a week or so.