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No water my unit seems to be running ok atleast it sounds the same as it did when is was working properly but i am not getting any water in the catch basin,my other dehumidifier in another room is working just fine, both rooms are next to eack other.
thank you
My unit is brand new everything is working fine, I have checked the tank etc, but it doesnt make any water. Are these units pre pressurised before shipping?
Or if anyone can suggest anything else to fix it.My unit is brand new everything is working fine, I have checked the tank etc, but it doesnt make any water. Are these units pre pressurised before shipping?
Or if anyone can suggest anything else to fix it.
AnonymousMar 23, 2009
the unit runs fine but the tank doesn't fill with water. It has worked fine the last year.
the unit runs fine but the tank doesn't fill with water. It has worked fine the last year.
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My unit is brand new everything is working fine, I have checked the tank etc, but it doesnt make any water. Are these units pre pressurised before shipping?
Or if anyone can suggest anything else to fix it.
the unit runs fine but the tank doesn't fill with water. It has worked fine the last year.