I am having trouble with my Kenmore Elite Microhood with model# 72180802. The microhood is functioning fine, but the glass tray pops off the lever that holds it every once in a while. This is the microhood that has one plastic tray in between the glass tray and the turnaround lever. I tried to adjust the height of that lever and realign everything, but nothing worked. I think every time the glass switches turning from one side to another, the tray slides off the circular plastic knob that slides in the glass groove. Help is greatly appreciated. Shubh...
Take your round glass tray and plastic three wheeled hoop to a local Sears store, open up the microwaves on display, find the one that is still using something similar, deftly trade out yours for theirs. The new wheeled plastic hoop wheels are slightly bigger and the glass tray raised guides are a bit longer, since the switch no problems like I had. Don't get caught. They do not have those parts for sale at the local Sears store.
Sometimes they get heated up and bend up in the middle so they don't make good contact with the coupler. The way I fix this is to heat the support over a stove flame, then place a heavy weight on it so it holds the legs up in place a bit until it cools. Here it is step by step: 1. Apply heat at points where each legs meet the hub (stove flame) 2. Place end of each leg on an object so that the bottom of the hub is held up about 1/8" off the work surface. 3. Place heavy object on hub so the bottom touches the work surface. 4. Let it cool. 5. Test it. 6. If it still does not work, increase the height of objects in step two. See:
SOURCE: Kenmore microhood model 721.80833500
our tray that goes around and back and forth jumps the tracks and stops and turns the other way I can put it back on track before it makes a round it jumps the tracks again and starts going the other way is there a part that need replaced
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I have the same problem. Does your brown arm change directions sometimes or go in complete circles? Mine works if I manually align the arm to the front/center and the tray centered left-right. Still comes off-track eventually though. Good luck.