Mitsubishi VS-50607 50" Rear Projection Television Logo

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Kumar Ganesan Posted on Mar 23, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Tv turns of in 3 seconds

Hi, I have an electronics background and test equipment ( scope, dvm, etc.)My tv turned of several weeks ago on its own. I got the schematics for it and checked the standby voltages. The 12vdc was not working. I found a leaky cap. c973 and replaced it. The tv worked ok for about a week. And then I noticed that the only the video input were working. I used it with a vcr to tune in the stations. This worked for about a couple of days. The problem came back again and I found L972 had an open. I replaced it. The problem still exists the tv turns off in 3 seconds. The standby voltages 12vdc and 130vdc and there. I checked R588 as recommended by another helper it was ok. He also suggested cp205. I could not find it. What should I check for to fix my problem? Thanks, Kumar

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  • Expert 363 Answers
  • Posted on Oct 01, 2007
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Check that none of the other capacitors are faulty. They may have 'Capacitor Plague' if they are from the same factory.

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How do I program my tv remote



Step 1:Press and hold the "CODE SEARCH" button ("CODE.SRCH" for RCU500).
Step 2:Press and release the device (VCR, TV, Cable etc.) button. If programming for AUX, press and release AUX button first, then press the device type to be programmed.
Step 3:Enter the 3 digit code number
Step 4:Release the "CODE SEARCH" button.
Step 5:With your device on, press another button like "PROGRAM UP/DOWN" OR "VOLUM UP/DOWN" to test.


If you cannot locate the code for your device, try thecode searchmethod below:
Step 1:Turn on the device.
Step 2:Press and hold the "CODE SEARCH" button.
Step 3:Press and release the VCR, TV, Cable or Audio button. If programming for AUX, press and release AUX button first, then press the device type to be programmed.
Step 4:Release the "CODE SEARCH" button.
Step 5:Press "ON/OFF" (or "POWER" for RCU500) repeatedly until the device turns off. Note that because there are so many codes, you may have to press the "ON/OFF" button up to a hundred times (at a rate of once per second) if your code is towards the end of the preprogrammed list.
Step 6:When your device shuts off, press and release the "ENTER" button.
Step 7:With your device on, press another button like "PROGRAM UP/DOWN" OR "VOLUM UP/DOWN" to test, and if it does not function correctly repeat steps 1 through 6.

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Electronics Equipment Repair Center RCA UNIVERSAL REMOTE 4 DIGIT CODE FOR...
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Tv does not power up, checked plug, fuse and power lead that is fine, switched tv on off several times still nothing! plz help...........

There are probably a few capacitors on the power board that have defective formula and will need replacing. If you have some basic test equipment and a basic electronics background I can walk you through some troubleshooting steps. Otherwise if its still under warranty take it back, if not you can consult your local TV repair technician. CLICK HERE to find TV technicians in your area just enter your zip code.
And of course always check the basics first by making sure the wall outlet that the TV is plugged into is working. Check the ac cord, make sure its fully connected to both the wall outlet and the TV ....etc


Insignia 32" TV Thin line across screen 1-2" from top

This is usually caused by bad capacitors in the vertical circuit. If you have an electronics background you should be able to find the defective ones with an ESR tester .

No picture on SAMSUNG TSK2790F

It would be the psu, you may be lucky and its just a few blown capacitors that need replacing, if you have not used it in a awhile and its been in standby, then you unplug it and plug back in, it can sometimes blow, as its not been used so components maybe weak, then turning it on has caused the voltage though and the weakness in the capacitors to blow.


Possible fault on the power board or panel as the TV seems to shut off on a protection.
Need to investigate on these boards for any physical failure preliminary
before starting on a circuit check.

All TV's in house failing, a few at a time

Hey PNorris,

If multiple electronic devices are failing in your home all at once, I would probably first have to ask if your home recently experienced an electrical storm or major power surge of any kind.

Normally the effects of such large-scale surges are immediately noticeable - TV's and other major electronic devices may fail to turn on, fuses may be blown or circuit breakers tripped, and in some cases electrical wiring may be melted.

If nothing like this has happened recently, low-level power surges may still be a potential cause of this problem. When the motor from any large appliance (such as an air conditioner or refrigerator) turns on or off, it often diverts power to and from other electronic devices using the same circuits. This fluctuation in electrical current may result in low-level power surges to every connected device. While not immediately noticeable, these low-level surges can often cause the eventual failure of (and gradually degrading quality in) many audio/video components.

Typically, the easiest way to avoid situations like this is to make sure that outlets are not overloaded and surge protectors are used with every major electrical device in your home. For older homes however, replacing the house's wiring may be necessary. Homes that were originally built at the turn of the 20th century may not always have wiring capable of supporting the electrical needs of many modern appliances.

Ultimately, this means that in addition to contacting your local TV repair facility, you may want to also speak with an electrician. This is probably the best way to determine whether or not power surges have caused these failures, and may give you a better idea how to proceed.

Hope this helps you out.

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Sharp SX-59E9 Television, wont start.

The fact that the TV attempts to power by the green light accordingly, and then goes red, indicates that the x-ray protection circuit is shutting it down to prevent any further or more severe damage. You likely have a problem in the B+ (high voltage) line.. Could be anywhere along across one of several circuits but I'd first suspect the HOT (horizontal output transistor), HV regulator and then maybe vertical. There are several tests that need to be preformed and with the right equipment takes about an howr to complete. This is not something you can do yourself - I would assume you don't have the DMM, ESR and 20mHz scope for starters. But a good reputable shop can have this one back on it's feet in an hour and I would guess for under a hundred dollars... If you're not sure where to find a good reputable shop I would suggest going to NESDA's site and researching from there... Good Luck Bill

Sony KV-24FV12 Image intermittant Blackout

Hello Robert, the picture tube on your TV set is exausted. Please contact your nearest Authorized Sony Service for further help/advice. After all, Sony is a good choice. The next TV set you buy could be one of Sony-s Bravia LCD. Kind regards, Arpad
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