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Dear all Please help me. I closed the door of my Laptop to let it hybernate. About two hours later I opened it and was expecting the page to come up so I can login again. However the panel next to my power on key(it seems to be the capslock key- the sign with the lock and a A letter inside) flashes for some seconds and it turns off without nothing happening. I can simply not turn my computer on again.
What is the problem? please write here or email me as soon as possible if you know what the problem is at [email protected]
other question , Is there a chance i might loose the information on my hard?
I should thank you all very much for concern about helping me for this matter. I did infact try opening the battery,disconnecting it and reconnecting it again but the problem unfortunately did not solve. I have tried different things (Try and errors) and might have found out where the probelm could be from. I think it might also be interesting for you, so I will explain for you. My computer consisits of two 256 RAMs. Meaning I have two 512 RAMS. I took the RAMS out and only left one 256 RAM inside one of the motherboard slots. The computer to my pleasure started. Obviously it was very slow, staright away I copied all my important files on to a USB before doing anything else and after that turned the Laptop off again and tried putting inside the other 256 RAM. To my suprise again the laptop did not turn on . I also tried changing the RAMS and again starting the computer with one RAM and it was ok. So I think there is nothing wrong with the RAM however one of slots on the motherboard which are for the connection of the RAM seem not to be functioning.
I once again thank you for your kind attention in trying to help me.
regards Arash HajjamDear all
I should thank you all very much for concern about helping me for this matter.
I did infact try opening the battery,disconnecting it and reconnecting it again but the problem unfortunately did not solve.
I have tried different things (Try and errors) and might have found out where the probelm could be from. I think it might also be interesting for you, so I will explain for you.
My computer consisits of two 256 RAMs. Meaning I have two 512 RAMS. I took the RAMS out and only left one 256 RAM inside one of the motherboard slots. The computer to my pleasure started. Obviously it was very slow, staright away I copied all my important files on to a USB before doing anything else and after that turned the Laptop off again and tried putting inside the other 256 RAM. To my suprise again the laptop did not turn on . I also tried changing the RAMS and again starting the computer with one RAM and it was ok. So I think there is nothing wrong with the RAM however one of slots on the motherboard which are for the connection of the RAM seem not to be functioning.
I once again thank you for your kind attention in trying to help me.
Arash Hajjam
I had the exact same problem with my Dell D500, I removed the second memory board (ram from slot B) and it turned right on again. Does anyone know what could cause this and how to prevent it from occurring again?I had the exact same problem with my Dell D500, I removed the second memory board (ram from slot B) and it turned right on again. Does anyone know what could cause this and how to prevent it from occurring again?
I am also facing same problem. Can anyone tell me how to fix it without opening the parts of laptop , i dont have proper screw driver to open battery slot and RAM slot.
I am also facing same problem. Can anyone tell me how to fix it without opening the parts of laptop , i dont have proper screw driver to open battery slot and RAM slot.
Maybe the battery has locked the process. Take out the battery for about 5 minutes. Then insert it back in and plug in the power cord.
Turn it back on and see if that works.
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Dear all
I should thank you all very much for concern about helping me for this matter.
I did infact try opening the battery,disconnecting it and reconnecting it again but the problem unfortunately did not solve.
I have tried different things (Try and errors) and might have found out where the probelm could be from. I think it might also be interesting for you, so I will explain for you.
My computer consisits of two 256 RAMs. Meaning I have two 512 RAMS. I took the RAMS out and only left one 256 RAM inside one of the motherboard slots. The computer to my pleasure started. Obviously it was very slow, staright away I copied all my important files on to a USB before doing anything else and after that turned the Laptop off again and tried putting inside the other 256 RAM. To my suprise again the laptop did not turn on . I also tried changing the RAMS and again starting the computer with one RAM and it was ok. So I think there is nothing wrong with the RAM however one of slots on the motherboard which are for the connection of the RAM seem not to be functioning.
I once again thank you for your kind attention in trying to help me.
Arash Hajjam
I had the exact same problem with my Dell D500, I removed the second memory board (ram from slot B) and it turned right on again. Does anyone know what could cause this and how to prevent it from occurring again?
I am also facing same problem. Can anyone tell me how to fix it without opening the parts of laptop , i dont have proper screw driver to open battery slot and RAM slot.
Thanks for your help in advance.
my email id is [email protected]
Amit Jain