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Everything was working fine at first but now whenever I turn it on, it shows the "Sandisk" trademark, goes white and goes back to the trademark. It does this until the battery runs out. I don't know what to do. Do I have to get a new one or is there a way that I can restart it?
I even installed the firmware thing. It still does the same thing. What should I do now?I even installed the firmware thing. It still does the same thing. What should I do now?
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Try this: disconnect the player from the computer, turn it off,hold in the volume + button, and reconnect the player to the computer while holding the volume + button in. Keep holding the volume + button for an additional 5-50 seconds. Windows should eventually go into recovery mode and revive the player- it will pop up a window that says Found New Hardware Wizard.
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I even installed the firmware thing. It still does the same thing. What should I do now?