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Erin Girl Posted on Mar 17, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Wireless Card No Longer Working?

I am not sure if this can happen, but is my internal wireless card broken? I have been using wireless internet for at least the past month, everyday for several hours. I have left my little wireless button on. However, yesterday, I tried to go online and my wireless connection didn't recognize any connections. My ethernet cord is working fine (that's how I'm online writing this). The only thing I can think of that is different is that I downloaded the Windows Live Updates, I think.

  • Erin Girl Mar 18, 2007

    Thanks Sandrew... it worked!


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  • Posted on Mar 17, 2007
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As shaky120 says go to my computer, right click>properties>device manager>hardware and look down the list for wireless adapters and click on the line and see if there is an exclamation mark or a red cross on it. Exclamation mark tends to mean there is no driver installed and a red cross means it has been dissabled. The other problem maybe that your router is not assigning your network an ip address, so check the properties of your network card and in the tcp/ip line, click properties and see if obtain ip address automatically is checked. If you do see your network card but it still does not work, right click on it and delete, restart pc and windows will find it again and re install the drivers.

John Anderson

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  • Posted on Mar 17, 2007
John Anderson
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Joined: Jul 13, 2006

Only thing i can think of is, check the switch on the side of the laptop is on for the wireless or FN + F2 to make sure its on, then into control panel and networks if no wireless adapter there then looks like its broken All the best John


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Related Questions:


Wireless adaptor broken!?

Alot of times you can go into the properties of your wireless card and clear from the list all the access points you have connected to recently and in the past and it will help.Also check to be sure the wireless card is turned on.I've found that internal wireless cards tend to fail after a while due to heat and use.I would replace the card if clearing it of it's memory doesn't work.Also check to make sure that both antenna's are connected properly to the card in case they came loose.I tend to think the card is bad though.

Hi there, I am a second user of a Toshiba Satellite Laptop & although I can achieve a local internet connection via an ethernet lead from my WiFi router when connected to the system, I am failing to...

If you are sure the internal wifi card is no good then you can use an external pc card (pcmcia)that plugs into the side (make sure you have the driver) try a few things first
If your trying to get on the internet with a wireless connection.and running WINDOWS, .and I am assuming you DO have a wireless router all set up and configured to broadcast the signal (not hidden) ....first we have to determine if the problem is at the router or at the laptop AND at what point its getting stuck ... so first try this

try resetting the router (unplug for a few minutes) try --be sure the wifi switch is enabled on the netbook---try---go to CONTROL PANEL>NETWORK CONNECTIONS--right click oin your wifi card and choose properties--highlight INTERNET PROTOCOL and choose properties and be sure "OPTAIN IP ADDRESS AUTOMATICALLY" is checked--Does the laptop "SEE" the router?
You will need your SSID to logon to the router(internet)

this is a link to a troubleshooting flow-chart

If this was helpful, please indicate so, if not -comment back so we can dig further to resolve this.

Computer does not see PCI card

Run a viral check on the card, as the fact that the malfunction occurred while on a public hotel's wifi,
leads me to the belief that you have been hacked with a keylogger.

Just to make sure, you might want to obtain another PCI card as a check, since you have already done everything I would have suggested, including reinstallation, and thereby have eliminated all but
the internal functioning of the card as suspect.

Lan card toshiba wireless no working

Check this Tip for an overview
  1. Connect your PC to your router using LAN Cable: be sure you can browse internet
  2. If you cannot browse check router config with your ISP
  3. Connect to your router using IP address you find for gateway in Network status
  4. Configure your router wireless section to match with your PC card
  5. Start removing security, broadcast radio signal, create a simple SSID as network name
  6. Check if router network is seen by your PC card (when you disconnect the LAN cable and activate the wireless card)
  7. If connection is established ( near the router) try different location
  8. Reconnect cable and reconfig adding security protocol (WPA-PSK recommended) use parameters compatible with your lan card

Compaq Presario F500 Laptop Internal Wireless Card

You should be able to use a usb wireless
just make sure it's compatible with your pc
What exactly is wrong with the internal one
did you repair person actually look at it

E-machine Lynksys wireless card

Yes it should but you need to have a wireless rougher also to pick up the modem

Wireless Problems!

The computer looks for the cable because wireless is not working.

If wireless card is usb try removing laptop battery, unplugging power adapter and wifi cards, connect in five minutes and see if it works

If it still does not work, reinstall wireless card drivers.
If you have a disk reinstall them from disk.
If you lost the disk download drivers from the Internet, post model on fixya to get the link.

If the wireless card does not work after reinstalling drivers then it is probably faulty.

Note: if you use laptop internal wireless, usually you need to activate a switch to get it working.

Wireless Problems!

The computer looks for the cable because wireless is not working.

If wireless card is usb try removing laptop battery, unplugging power adapter and wifi cards, connect in five minutes and see if it works

If it still does not work, reinstall wireless card drivers.
If you have a disk reinstall them from disk.
If you lost the disk download drivers from the Internet, post model on fixya to get the link.

If the wireless card does not work after reinstalling drivers then it is probably faulty.

Note: if you use laptop internal wireless, usually you need to activate a switch to get it working.

Wireless card problems

What virus checker are you using? Is there also a different firewall apart from the windows one. If you have blocked your connections it will prevent you from using your wireless effectvely. Uninstall or disable the virus checker and see if the same happens. Also are you using E internet, try mozilla firefox and see if the same happens.
Another thing to check is if the adapter is using the windows manager properly. What you need to do to check it follow the following instructions.

  • Click on start and choose CONNECT TO option and click on your wireless adapter. (Wireless network connection)
  • Click on View Wireless networks
  • Scroll on your network connection and then click on change advanced settings
  • Now double click on Internet Protocol TCP/IP
  • Make sure both settings are set to automatically detect DNS address and IP address
  • Then select apply if need to change and ok to continue
  • Now click on the Tab Wireless Networks
  • Wait a few seconds and Now make sure the top box which says "Use windows to configure my wireless network" has a tick next to it, if now click on box.
  • Click on Apply and ok, or just ok if no apply option
  • Close all windows and restart computer.
  • Now see if the device connects and click on your browser and see how it works.
Any questions if still not working please give details.

Net Gear Range Max Dual Band Wireless Router

If you really wanna use the so called wireless "N" technology you need to have a wireless N card for your pc so the wireless N technology will be working on your network since you're saying that you already have a wireless N router, because you will just only use a longer antenna your wireless pc will still be running on wireless G technology.
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