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There is a blue and yellow wave across the top half of the screen and a sort of ghost below pictures on the screen. I have to drive this 43" TV to another town for repair and was wondering if you could help me either solve this problem or suggest what the approximate cost would be to repair. The TV is approx 4 years old.
I believe what you have is a convergence problem and it is usually caused by two Integrated Circuits going bad which also opens up one or two resistors associated with them. Replacing the Convergence Ic'S - (Ik04 & Ik05) and Resistor Rk62 a 1.8 Ohm .5w. Metal Film type should take care of the problem. As far as costs involved, I would guess about $350-$425 to get repaired. With it only being about 4 years old, it should have that many more years left of good use for you.
you hit the nail on the head one of the head I missed soldering one of the pins on a Ic's bingo! blue and yellow converged. Thanksyou hit the nail on the head one of the head I missed soldering one of the pins on a Ic's bingo! blue and yellow converged. Thanks
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