This clock was set to reset for daylight savings time at the traditional time in April, and I don't know how to set it right since daylight savings time came early this year. What do I have to do to set it right?
I picked this up from the Emerson Website Read below before going to the link. Try thi link: and poke around the website Important Notice About Daylight Saving Time (DST) and Emerson SmartSet® Clocks and Clock Radios Congress recently passed a new Energy Bill which includes a provision to extend Daylight Savings Time. At the beginning of 2007, Daylight Savings time will begin on the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November. Because of this change your SmartSet® Clock or Clock Radio will need to be updated. In order to set your unit we will need the following information from you: 1. Model Number You can find your model number on the back or bottom of your unit. (Click here for an example) 2. Serial Number You can find your serial number on the back or bottom of your unit. (Click here for an example) Based on this information we can identify which setting is necessary to adjust your unit for compliance with day light savings. There are three possible groups your SmartSet® Clock or Clock Radio could fall into: Group One changes the time zone to a previous time zone. Group Two adjusts for the spring and fall settings. Group Three is already set for 2007 daylight savings compliance. Group identification begins with your serial number. The first three to four digits of the serial number represent the year and month of manufacture. (If your serial number begins with 0607, that would indicate July 2006, 506 would indicate June 2005.) Models manufactured before January 2006 (serial number 506, 512, etc.) will follow Group One settings. Models manufactured between January 2006 and July 2006 (serial number 0601, 0603, etc.) will follow Group Two settings. Models manufactured after July 2006 (serial numbers beginning with 0608) are Group Three and do not require any changes. If you believe you have a Group One model, please click here. If you believe you have a Group Two model, please click here. If you cannot determine which Group your model may be in, please call us at 1-800-526-7521.
Yes, the suggestion was to change the time zone settings on the old schedule and change it back on the new schedule. It's pretty annoying, I will be thinking of a new clock soon. The newer models can be reset, but only if it was made in 2006 or sooner. Mine was made in 04 so I am stuck with the time sone "solution".
Maybe trying Hawaiian time zone (no DST) will work
Agree. Emerson's suggestion is to reset your clock 4 times a year. This means we need to remember when the old day light savings time schedule was. It would be easier if you could just over-ride the automatic time changes so it would only need to be adjusted twice a year like every other clock in the house.I got my whole family up Sunday morning for at 4:45 am for my 6-year old's hockey game. Dressed and out the door only to find we were an hour late and missed the game. I did call Emerson last March and they told me there wouldn't be a problem with day light savings time because it works off the satellites. Just called and only the new clocks work off the satellites if so stated.
Usually answered in minutes!
Thanks for your help! I had trouble finding their website earlier. Thank you for the link and the help.
"Daylight saving time issues
This clock was set to reset for daylight savings time at the traditional time in April, and I don't know how to set it right since daylight savings time came early this year. What do I have to do to set it right?
How to set daylight savings time
How can I get the clock on Eastern DAYLIGHT savings time? Each night it changes back to non daylight savings!
clock didn't adjust to daylight savings time
How to set the daylight savings on W7760a2011 xl 15
Daylight savings setting Honeywell w7760a2011
clock changes to daylight savings and standard times at the wrong time of year since it was changed