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Racquell Jones Posted on Mar 10, 2007

My console will not turn on

I turn it off after i played it when i went to turn it back on it wont turn on the red light stays on

  • Anonymous Dec 04, 2007

    my ps2 will come on but when i press the red button(ps2 slim)it turns green then goes back to red what do i do????

  • Anonymous Dec 09, 2007

    red light is on but press reset and no green to start-up.


2 Answers



Go to a service technician and fix your problem one of the fuses inside the console is desoldered


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  • Posted on Apr 06, 2007
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Http:// go to that link sir!


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My PlayStation 3 turned off on its own last week while I was in the middle of playing a game. I went to turn it back on and after the green light came on, it stayed on for about 3-5 seconds before it...

Unfortunately what you are describing is known as the Yellow Light of Death (YLOD). This indicates a general hardware failure normally due to overheating. When these PS3's were produced Sony decided to use lead free solder. The problem with lead free solder is that it is not as flexible as leaded solder but it is cheaper and more environmentally friendly. When the console gets hot and cools down hairline cracks appear within these solder joints and a good electrical contact cannot be made. This then causes the console to fail. It could be on a number of different components including the CPU, GPU or memory. There is a temporary cure that may or may not work but ultimately the console will need to be repaired professionally or replaced. If it is out of warranty Sony will not replace it but will offer a refurbished unit for around £130. If you look on Youtube for Yellow light of death fix there is a way that you can re-heat the solder joints using a heat gun but if you are not confident taking apart electrical items then this really may not be something you want to try.

I am sorry I cant give you any better news but unfortunately it is a very common problem with the PS3

Hope this helps and thank you for using FixYa

Playstation 2 slim won't turn on

try this:

- turn off PS2
- unplug PS2 and wait 1 minute
- plug in PS2 and turn it on

hope this helps :D

Ps2 slim console wont turn on!

i checked the manual (troubleshooting) 1. turn off PS2 2. unplug it then, plug it back in and turn it on(andprayitstillworks).

Wont boot fully boot up.

Try reseting your PS3. Turn your PS3 completely off by the switch in the back. Then flip the switch back on. Press on the power button and hold it until the green light comes on, beeps twice then the green light should go out, replaced by a red light. Then turn it on normally.

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ya i cant get my 40gb ps3 to work i was playin a game it went to a loading screen and it stayed there so i turned it off then turned it back on and now it wont play the game i can still get on the internet though
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