Installing deh 1500 pioneer need color codes
Yellow - +12V Constant Power Red - +12V Switched (accessory) Power Blue - Power Antenna Blue/White - Amp Turn-on White - Left Front Positive Speaker Wire (LF+) White/Black - (LF-) Gray - Right Front Positive Speaker Wire (RF+) Gray/Black - (RF-) Green - Right Rear Positive Speaker Wire (RR+) Green/Black - (RR-) Purple - Left Rear Positive Speaker Wire (LR+) Purple/Black - (LR-)
Usually answered in minutes!
2004 new beetle door speakers not working
trying to get my radio to work and play music
hi, I have a DEH 1500 UB, while driving when I get phone I need to make the radio to mute, however , there is no mute button, how can we do it
Someone installed the radio and removed the factory radio and they must not have a wire hooked up or misfired. I need to know which wire would hook to the factory wiring to make it work. They used one pigtail to plug into the factory plug but there is still another factory plug that's not hooked up at all. I have a 2004 Chevy trailblazer with rear radio controls and rear ac controls