Maxtor OneTouch A01B080 80 GB Hard Drive Logo
Paula Brown Posted on Mar 04, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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External Hard Drive

Hello. I recently got a new computer and copied all my files to a Maxtor n256 80 GB external hard drive. Now, when I connect the drive to the new computer I can see the drive in Explore, but get an I/O error when trying to read anything on it. I loaded some Maxtor One Touch II software I found, and when I run the troubleshooting portion on the disk it scans for the disk and cannot find it. Although, when I do a scan for drive information it sees it. It also shows up in Explore, but gives me the I/O error when I try to see what is on it? Do you have any suggestions? I really, really need to get to these files! Thanks so much.

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  • Posted on Mar 04, 2007
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Transfer stuff from a working and put it on another hard drive

The easiest way is to connect your hard drive to an USB hard drive adapter or USB hard drive dock, then plug this USB adapter ot dock into the USB port of your computer. The computer will see this as an external storage device, you can then open the various folders and copy the folders or files to the computer,
If you want to copy these folders or files to another hard disk then connect the other hard drive to the USB hard drive adapter or USB hard drive dock and plug it into your computer and copy the folders or files from your computer to the external hard drive.

Hi there i hav ea maxtor onetouch 4 mini 120 gb.

Remove the hard drive from the Maxtor case, purchase an USB hard drive adapter case, and install the hard drive inside this case. Then you can connect this to the computer's USB port and if the hard drive is OK then this computer will detect it as an external USB hard drive, then you can open the folders and files and back them up.

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Connect the external drive to a different computer, and "browse" the contents of the drive -- if the disk can be read, then the files can be copied, and maybe burned to "blank" writable CD/DVD disks.

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Provided that you can find your external drive using My Computer feature, double click on that drive icon and search the drive for the files you wish to put on the computer drive (C drive). If you right click the file or folder on the Maxtor external drive and then choose copy, you can go to the folder on the C drive that you want to paste them into, select it and then right click the folder icon and choose paste to put them into the folder. To make the process quicker, you might choose to paste all files and/or files from the Maxtor drive onto the computer desktop and then move them around later.

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run diskmgmt.msc delete. then create then format .. also theres a tool called Wipedisk from

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click on the maxtor icon on theright hand bottom corner while the drive is connected and open maxtor manager and click ether settings or back up and click it to your liking.

External Hard Drive

Couple of questions first: -What operating system was running on the new and old PC? -Is the old PC still running and available? Once you answer these we?ll start work.

External Hard Drive

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External Hard Drive

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Maxtor External Hard Drive Trouble

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