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Can anybody help. i have just taken my pc apart to install a new drive ready for vista. i reasembled the pc and when i now power the pc up, i get a beep error with the code 5.2 or it could be 25 depends which way you look at it?
i have taken my graphics card out and started up my pc again and recieve the same message. i think my gfx card may have just died (7800gtx) but am not sure. what else could i try???
i have removed each stick of crucial memery in turn just in case this was error 2.5 but with no luck??
please help a desperate man?
Is it when you are installing vista or on the black screen with white writing you are getting this error?
if it was your graphics card you wouldnt get any picture so cant be that mate.
and if you can give me the exact message it displays i will try and help you..
All the best
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