Sony KP-65WS500 65" Rear Projection Television Logo
Chris Miller Posted on Mar 02, 2007

Picture then fades to blue.

I am trying to repair my Sony tv and not having very much luck. I turn it on and it has a clear picture but after about 30 seconds it fades to a solid blue screen with a darker blue arch coming down from the top of the screen and a darker blue arch coming up from the bottom. I opened up the back and watched as this happened. When the tv turns on all 3 colors light up but after 30 seconds the red and green fade down to almost nothing. I have some electronics training but none on tv's. I do know how to solder if any components need to be replaced. Does anybody have any suggetions? Thanks

  • Chris Miller Mar 02, 2007

    I also wanted to add that the tv does have sound the entire time. Thanks


3 Answers



I just fixed mine. I read other posts that suggested this and it worked. On the front of the set at the bottom of the speaker cover are 2 caps, one on each side. Remove those caps to find 2 screws, remove screws and then remove that cover. Behind that is a panel with 4 screws and remove it. You will see a box with 6 knobs, 3 on top 3 on the bottom. Top are focus and bottoms are voltage to each lamp. Blue lamp is left screw, green lanp is middle screw and red lamp is right screw. Counter clockwise lowers voltage(very small adjustments. So if your screen is turning blue turn the left screw just a littleat a time. I also had red and blue lines on my screen so i turned them a little as well and they are gone. Give that a try, it worked for me.



Please post me on this as well. My Sony just turned 4 yrs this Jan and just last week it started having the same problem. -Thanks!



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  • Posted on Sep 19, 2007
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Picture fade to blue

You can reduce the g2 for the blue tube
open the front grill and open the 4 screws hold the resister block
to have acess to the register block.
Then there should be the black box have 6 knobs
the one call for Blue g2 not the focus block.
Adjust it counterclockwise a little bit
and try turn on TV again


Picture comes on then fades to blue

Check the info from this website to see if you are able to fix your TV. You should turn the blue screen control down slightly counterclockwise. If that did not work, then more likely you have a video amplifier IC defective or a blue CRT.

Blue screen

This is easy to fix, pull off the front grill and turn the bottom left trim pot anti clockwise until the picture comes back. I am asuming the picture there and then it fades to blue. There is a step by step instruction on how to get the whole thing apart

The picture on my Sony KP57WS500 is starting to fade to blue after being on a short period of time. ANY IDEAS?

Good Day;
A blue picture after it's been on for a bit is normally one of several things. The most common for your Sony is the CRT, tube, the second most common problem is the blue CRT 'IC'(chip). The IC is located is on the blue crt board.
The best way to determine this is to remove the speaker grill(on front of TV), then inner panel, the blue tube will be on your right hand side. Remove that little board at the end of the tube.THIS AFTER YOU HAVE UNPLUGGED THE POWER FROM THE WALL. Plug TV back in turn TV on. If TV comes on with picture and there is no blue in the picture, The tube is bad, if TV turns off it's the IC.
Good Luck, BI.

Picture and screen

Repair of my big sony screen tv

You have a bad picture tube, or perhaps a picture tube drive problem.. To see what is bad, remove the front speaker grill under the screen in the front. Remove the screws that hold on the board that covers the front. Insidfe this set, WITH THE TV SET UNPLUGGED< Locate which one of the tubes is the blue one. Gently pull off the board from the end of the picture tube and swap it with the green tube right next to it. The green tube is always the middle tube. If the blue comes up again, then the blue tube is bad and you will most likely be better off to buy a new TV set. If the green comes up as the bright one, swap back the boards, call a tech and tell them there is a CRT driver board , or an RGB drive problem. This should not cost you an arm and a leg to get repaired. Good Luck, and let us know how you make out with the repair of this TV set.

Blue screen

· Which models are affected with the "flicker" problem?
A1: There are 12 models in total: KDP57XBR2, KDP65XBR2, KP46WT500, KP51HW40, KP51WS500, KP57HW40, KP57WS500, KP57WV600, KP57WV700, KP65WS500, KP65WV600 and KP65WV700.



you are experiencing one or more of three things
1.the crt itself is damaged
2. the vertical ic on blue crt board is bad
3. the focus block is bad
if you hire a sony authorized technician they should be well aware of this problem.

Blue screen

you have a bad blue picture tube sony dos not make it anymoore , so you will have to have it rebuilt.
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