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Rae Fletcher Posted on Feb 20, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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My password for my administrator user account is broken

Ok I have 6 kids so I created 6 accounts one for parents rest for kids. I am only administrator, and when I try to type in my password on log on screen, a whole lot of dots come up and even when I push backspace more dots come up. So I cannot get into my administrator user account, and all kids account are limited access accounts. Help!!

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  • Posted on Feb 20, 2007
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Go into the system via safe mode (F8) on startup and select 'Safe Mode'. When in the system go to your account and delete it and enter a new one. Restart pc.

  • Anonymous Feb 20, 2007

    If you don't want to do that then go to this site and download the SIW free programme.

    Takes secondes to install, then look down left side for secrets, click it and all passwords should show up.

    There's no spyware or malware in it, so don't worry about loading it.


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Can't get logged in on windows 8

Follow the steps:
1 ) Windows Vista or 7 DVD

1. Insert the Windows Vista DVD into the DVD drive and then restart the computer.
2. Change Boot Options 1st Priority to Optical Drive.
3. When system booting up, if the message "Press any key to boot from cd" appears, immediately press Enter.
4. On Language Settings, Time and Currency and Keyboard Layout screen, just choose the correct settings then click Next.
5. On Install Now screen, click Repair. Note: Click No just in case you get the message: Windows found problems with your computer's startup options.
6. On the System Recovery Options screen, under Operating System, click Windows Vista then click Next. Then select Command Prompt.
7. At the command prompt windows, type the following command then press Enter after typing each command:
cd windows\system32
echo ~takeown /f %1 /r /d y > TakeControlOf.cmd
echo ~icacls %1 /grant administrators:F /t
ren Magnify.exe Magnify.old
ren cmd.exe Magnify.exe

8. Restart the computer.
9. On the Welcome Screen, click the Ease button.
10. Check Make items on the screen larger then click OK.
11. At the prompt, type the command then press Enter.
net user Administrator /active:yes

12. Restart the computer.

At the welcome screen, logon using the local administrator account.
14. Access Control Panel then click User Accounts. Select the username of the account you can't login to then remove the password.
15. Log off on the current local administrator account your are logon to.
16. Check if you can logon to your user account now.
17. Open c:\windows\system32.
18. Right click on Magnify.exe, select Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Owner -> Edit -> Administrators then click OK.
19. Select Edit -> Administrators -> Full Control then click Apply then OK.
20. Rename Magnify.old to Magnify.exe
21. Open command prompt then type the command then press Enter.
net user Administrator /active: no
To create a new user :
Net user username/add
Windows XP/2003, Vista and Windows 7.
To add a new user account to the local computer from command line:

net user username password /ADD

Example: To add a new user account with the loginid John and with password fadf24as

net user John fadf24as /ADD

To add a new user account to the domain:

>net user username password /ADD /DOMAIN

Note that we do not need to specify the domain name here.

net user John fadf24as /ADD /DOMAIN

Rename a user account from windows command line
We can use below wmic command to rename a user account from command line.

wmic useraccount where "name='username' " rename new_username

Ex: To rename the user account techblogger as win7techblogger

wmic useraccount where "name='techblogger' " rename win7techblogger

Net use command does not have any switches to rename a user account.
Few more Advanced uses of net user command.
To specify user full name while creating the user account

net user username userpasswd /ADD /FULLNAME:"User_Fullname"

To specify that the user is allowed to change the password

net user username userpasswd /ADD /PASSWORDCHG:Yes

To restrict user not to change the password:

net user username userpasswd /ADD /PASSWORDCHG:NO

To specify when the account expires we can use /EXPIRES switch.
To specify if the user must have a password set we can use /PASSWORDREQ switch.
How to create a new administrator account from command line?
An administrator account can't be created directly from command line. We first need to create a user account and then add the user to the administrators group.
If you don't have privileges to add new user account to the system, you would get an error like below.C:\>net user John /add
System error 5 has occurred.
Access is denied.
C: \>

if cant able underatand send me your mail id..

How to enable Windows 7 administrator account and reset lost Win 7 admin...

How to enable Windows 7 administrator account and reset lost Win 7 admin password
There are two parts for your Windows 7:
* Enable Windows 7 administrator account
* Reset lost Win 7 admin password
With 240 million licenses sold out in one year, Windows 7 has been proved to be a successful product of Microsoft. Compared with its previous versions like Windows XP, it has many improved features. The built-in administrator account is one of the features. In Windows XP, there is a default administrator account after installation. But the built-in administrator account is disabled by default in Windows 7. To enable Windows 7 administrator account and assign a password to it, you can achieve it in 2 methods.
Part I: Enable Windows 7 administrator account
Method 1: Use Command Prompt
The easiest way to enable the Windows 7 built-in administrator account is to use the Command Prompt.
1. Click Start and type CMD in the search box. Right-click CMD and select Run as Administrator.
2. Click Yes when prompted to allow the Command Processor to run. And then the command prompt will appear.
3. Type net user in the command prompt window, and then hit Enter. All the Windows account user names will be listed. You'll also see the Administrator account, but now it is not enabled.
4. Type net user administrator /active:yes and hit Enter to enable Windows 7 admin account.
Now the Windows 7 administrator account is created. To create the Windows 7 administrator password, you can follow the below steps:
1. Switch to log on Windows 7 with the administrator account.
2. Click Start, Control Panel, User Accounts and Family Safety and User Accounts in order. You'll enter the screen where you can make changes for your account.
3. Click Create a password for your account on the screen.
4. In the coming screen, type and confirm your Win 7 admin password.
5. Enter password hint and click Create Password.
Now your Windows 7 admin password is successfully created.
Method 2: Use Local Users and Groups
1. Click Start and type lusrmgr.msc in the search box, and then hit Enter. The Local Users and Groups screen will come up.
2. Double-click the Users folder. And all the Windows 7 account will be displayed for you.
3. Right-click the Administrator account and select Properties.
4. Uncheck the "Account is disabled" check-box and click OK on the administrator properties screen.
Now Win 7 admin account is enabled. To set a password for the enabled Windows 7 administrator account, follow the steps as below:
1. Right-click the Administrator account and select Set Password.
2. Click Proceed to go on your operation
3. Type and confirm your new Win 7 admin password and click Ok
4. Close the Local Users and Groups screen.
Now the Windows 7 administrator password is assigned to your Windows 7 admin account.
Part II: Reset lost Win 7 admin password
Windows 7 administrator password reset Tips:
Note 1. Please remember to create a Windows 7 password reset disk after assigning Windows administrator password. It allows you to change your forgotten Win 7 admin password when you are locked out of Windows.
Note 2. If you forgot to create the password reset disk, you can choose to use Windows Password Breaker to help create a Windows 7 password reset disk rather than reinstalling the system. Now follow the steps to create the disk to reset Windows 7 password.
step 1. Download and install Windows Password Breaker.
step 2. Run the program and burn a Windows password reset disk.
Step 3. Reset Windows 7 administrator password with the disk.
It is an easy and safe way for Windows 7 admin password reset.
on Nov 02, 2010 • Computers & Internet


Try it...
Restart the laptop and press F8 continuosly,, then you will find the "SAFE MODE" option. Select the "SAFEMODE" then press enter.. Then you will find the "Administrator" user account. Try to login to that Administrator . Try the password as administrator or admin or with none. Try it...

I can't log on to my computer my kid change the password an don't know how to get on


There is a hidden Administrator account that is created when your operating system is installed. Access that account and then reset your password.

1. Boot your computer and press F8 repeatedly
2. Access Safe Mode
3. Key in "Administrator" in Username, with no password.
4. Go to Control Panel, then User Accounts
5. Select the account you want to reset the password
6. Change the password

Hope this helps

Forgot my parent password on my home access toshiba laptop help

Hello, ****.

There is a hidden Administrator account that is created when your operating system is installed. Access that account and then reset your password.

1. Boot your computer and press F8 repeatedly
2. Access Safe Mode
3. Key in "Administrator" in Username, with no password.
4. Go to Control Panel, then User Accounts
5. Select the account you want to reset the password
6. Change the password

Hope this helps

I have a previously owned dell inspiron and I need to change the username from the previous owner start menu control panel user account the formal owner username 5. you will see various options one of which is change username, then click 6.enter your desired username and click ok

Forgotten password for administrator on acer 3000 inspire with xp professional

i have used a very simple way to rest admin password without erasing anything. follow the instructions: the software from
2. burn it to a CD.
3. pop the CD into your locked PC, and boot from the CD. you can login windows and reset your password.
the whole process took only a few minutes.

Unable to get parental controls to work in Windows Vista Ultimate

Hi, Well windows has 1st launched this service with vista..on per user basis. It was not mentioned by you do u want a solution while logged in as administrator or user. I have given answers for both of them. As per your requirement you can select. For Administrator In d 1st case make sure that you r logged in as the administrator, while following these steps:
  1. Click on start button
  2. Go to control pannel, n select parental control.
  3. A User Account Control prompt will appear asking if you would like to continue. Click on the Continue button to proceed with opening the Parental Control
The screen which opens is the control panel.From here you can apply parental controls for the whole system or even for the standard users. For creating a new acc
  • Click on the create a new user tab
  • In this screen you would type the login name for the new user account that you would like to create. We also suggest that you leave the option labeled User must set password at next logon checked so that when the user logs on for the first time they will be prompted for a new password enabling them to keep their password private.
  • When you are ready to create the user, you would click on the Create Account button to finish the creation process. You would then be brought to the Parental Controls page for that particular user. J
Just press the OK button to get back to the welcome screen. Now from here you can keep the parental control setting as per your requirement on the following Global game rating systems setting, Family Safety Options, Activity Report Reminder, Web Restrictions Page etc
Now if you are a user/ domain and want to put up parental settings follow these steps;
  • Open the Run dialog box.
  • Type gpedit.msc and click OK
  • When the UAC prompt appears, select Continue.
  • The Group Policy Object Editor window will appear.
  • Under Local Computer Policy, expand Computer Configuration.
  • Expand Administrative Templates.
  • Expand Windows Components.
  • Select Parental Controls.
  • In the right pane, right-click Make Parental Controls control panel visible on a Domain.
  • Select Properties.
  • Select the Enabled radio button and click OK
  • Close the Group Policy Object Editor.
  • Resart the machine, for changes to take effect.

Administrators password

if you have another user account with administrator access you can either remove the password i the user account field or you can try accessing the files of that particular user account and transfer it and just erase the user account and create a new one. vista does not have any backdoor to access using the disk unlike xp
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