Follow the steps:
1 ) Windows Vista or 7 DVD
1. Insert the Windows Vista DVD into the DVD drive and then
restart the computer.
2. Change Boot Options 1st Priority to Optical Drive.
3. When system booting up, if the message "Press any key to boot from
cd" appears, immediately press Enter.
4. On Language Settings, Time and Currency and Keyboard Layout screen,
just choose the correct settings then click Next.
5. On Install Now screen, click Repair. Note: Click No just in case you
get the message: Windows found problems with your computer's startup options.
6. On the System Recovery Options screen, under Operating System, click
Windows Vista then click Next. Then select Command Prompt.
7. At the command prompt windows, type the following command then press
Enter after typing each command:
cd windows\system32
echo ~takeown /f %1 /r /d y > TakeControlOf.cmd
echo ~icacls %1 /grant administrators:F /t
ren Magnify.exe Magnify.old
ren cmd.exe Magnify.exe
8. Restart the computer.
9. On the Welcome Screen, click the Ease button.
10. Check Make items on the screen larger then click OK.
11. At the prompt, type the command then press Enter.
net user Administrator
12. Restart the computer.
13. At the welcome screen, logon using the local administrator
14. Access Control Panel then click User Accounts. Select the username
of the account you can't login to then remove the password.
15. Log off on the current local administrator account your are logon
16. Check if you can logon to your user account now.
17. Open
18. Right click on Magnify.exe, select Properties -> Security ->
Advanced -> Owner -> Edit -> Administrators then click OK.
19. Select Edit -> Administrators -> Full Control then click Apply
then OK.
20. Rename Magnify.old to Magnify.exe
21. Open command prompt then type the command then press Enter.
net user Administrator /active: no
To create a new user :
Net user username/add
XP/2003, Vista and Windows 7.
To add a new user account to the local computer from command
user username password /ADD
Example: To add a new user account with the loginid
John and
with password
user John fadf24as /ADD
To add a new user account to the domain:
user username password /ADD /DOMAIN
that we do not need to specify the domain name here.
user John fadf24as /ADD /DOMAIN
Rename a user account from windows command line
We can
use below wmic command to rename a user account from command line.
useraccount where "name='username' " rename new_username
Ex: To rename the user account
techblogger as
useraccount where "name='techblogger' " rename win7techblogger
Net use command does not have any switches to rename a user
Few more Advanced uses of net user command.
specify user full name while creating the user account
user username userpasswd /ADD /FULLNAME:"User_Fullname"
specify that the user is allowed to change the password
user username userpasswd /ADD /PASSWORDCHG:Yes
restrict user not to change the password:
user username userpasswd /ADD /PASSWORDCHG:NO
To specify when the account expires we can use
/EXPIRES switch.
To specify if the user must have a password set we can
How to create a new administrator account from command line?
An administrator account can't be created directly from command
line. We first need to create a user account and then
add the
user to the administrators group.
If you don't have privileges to add new user account to the
system, you would get an error like below.C:\>net user John /add
System error 5 has occurred.
Access is denied.
C: \> if cant able underatand send me your mail id..