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jim thome Posted on Feb 19, 2007
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No shutoff Computer shuts down at end it says it is now safe to turn your computer off. Its like old windows 98. I'm running win xp pro, 2.2cpu, 512ram, Motherboard is a Magic Twin model P400MTWIN. Thank You for your time. All updates from microsoft update are done as of now.

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  • Master 2,961 Answers
  • Posted on Feb 19, 2007
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Go to start>control panel>power options>advanced tab, then at bottom it should say shutdown when i press power off button.

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Akilesh yadav hp laptop not install windows xp

If it is an older computer, the motherboard may not accept an XP installation. I have older desktops that will not accept an XP install but work fine with Win 98 and ME.

If newer model the problem could be with the disk or the cd reader. A defect in either will prevent an install.

Tried inserting recovery cd-rom in satellite P10 (windows XPHome) and first screen shows message about running Windows98! Aborted process and PC is OK. Is it safe to proceed?

should be. It looks like someone updated that computer from Win 98 to XP - that's why the recovery disks are for Win 98. You should be ok to proceed if you didn't do any of the recovery. Are you able to use System Restore to force computer to revert to an earlier time when everything was working ok?

Nightmare ned CD/ROM

This software was released long before Win7 was being worked on. Thus it isn't going to work directly in Win7; Microsoft has changed a lot in the OS. However, with a bit of work and either Win7 Pro or Ultimate, there is a workaround. Install the XP mode program from Microsoft (it's a two download process) and create a virtual computer inside your main computer. You should be able to install and run the game within the virtual computer.

I hope this helps.

Cindy Wells

Cannot boot up from CD-Rom with Win 95 and Win 98

You probably have a version of windows 98 that was not bootable on CD. You would need to boot from a windows 98 floppy bootup disc, then go the the d:\win98 directory and run setup from there.

I have a problem to install window 98 .

Another solution is to download and install Microsoft Virtual PC in XP, create a Virtual PC drive, and install Windows 98 onto the Virtual PC drive. This works fine if you want to run Win 9X programs which don't require access to USB ports on your computer. If you need Windows 98 to have full access to all of the computer hardware, then use palaboy's solution.

Invalid systme disk. Replace the disk and press any key

its domnickr,
its so we can not install xp in model 1255 it will spoils your hard disk all you can install win98 ED 2 only..... so its wise not to try it and reinstall using win 98 install disk. if format is not possible do format using Fdisk command.
step 1 :enter dos floppy
restart ur lap enter from insulation option.
chance boot perority to floppy disk ie Shift +.
restart lap
enter fdisk in commant
format using instruction for any help mail at [email protected]

I just installed xp pro and it keeps freezing

To get into the Windows 2000 / XP Safe mode, as the computer is booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Safe Mode" and press your Enter key.
Note: With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key", tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.
Trouble Getting into Windows 2000 or Windows XP Safe mode - If after several attempts you are unable to get into Windows 2000 or Windows XP Safe Mode as the computer is booting into Windows, turn off your computer. When the computer is turned on the next time Windows should notice that the computer did not successfully boot and give you the Safe Mode screen.

I would suggest that you run only one stick of Ram at a time to determine if they are the problem.. Also these CPU's had heat problems that damaged the cpu. This also causes freezing. I would consider resetting the CPU and the heat sink, and case fans are clean and working. 

Fujitsu amilo d1845, Windows xp start up problems


it could be a heat realted, can you get to the cpu cooler? most laptops i have worked on this is accessible by lifting the keyboard.

Give it a blow out with a compressed air can and see if that works, if not try lifting the cpu cooler and cleaning off old thermal paste and reapplying new.



When i try to shut down my computer it does not shut doen but it gets restart every time

What version of windows are you running? Also, when did this problem start and how old is your PC?

On 2000/XP: On your start menu click on Run and type the following command: SHUTDOWN -s -t 01

This will shut down windows, and then you can safely turn off your computer. You may have to hold the power button for 10 seconds before it turns off.

NOTE: This is not a fix, just a temporary solution.

HELP: Activesync XP Reboot Problems!

Now don't laugh :-) on win 98 windows - I'm told - had a certain limited ability to fix itself. I don't know if xp does or not. Anyway on 98 if you ran into a problem you could let it reboot three or four times without doing anything but booting and shutting down - it at times would correct itself. This was normally on boot problems, but it might do some good - don't know of anything else to suggest. In your case I'd try this then try running active sync two or three times without doing anything else. Anyway that would keep you busy till a good tip comes along :-)
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