Samsung HCM4215W 42" Rear Projection Television Logo
Joshua Borges Posted on Mar 04, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Samsung 42" rear projection HD tv issue

I recently bought a samsung 42" rear projection HD tv and after protecting it with multiple sleeping bags and styrofoam to cover the screen i transported the TV to my house 20 miles away in an upright position strapped to the INSIDE of a uhaul trailer. After i got it home, i let it sit for well over 15 hours before plugging it in to allow it time to equalize in temp and humidity. i was excited now and decided to plug it in, BAD decision. after about 2 mins the red moved to the left side of the screen at the center, and the top and bottom of the screen as viewed in thirds were pulled to the right side. i have NO EXPERIENCE in TV repair at all but after paying 600.00 for this TV and entertainment center ( the entertainment center is worth 5K dollars alone and i have seen the reciepts) i decided to try and fix it my self by "fiddling" around with things. Here is what i found. A resistor on the red tube board was laying in the bottom of the cabinet. i unplugged the TV and with a pair of chopsticks for insulation attached it back where it came from after plugging it back in and turning it on. i realized that there was a tiny little "tube" wrapped in plastic that was not glowing before was now glowing with a purple glow, just then the chopsticks started smoking a ton and a VERY LOUD !!POP!!! came from somewhere and the TV started smoking that NASTY burned electronic dead smoke. So i unplugged it and wheeled it outside to cool off and call a repair man to fix the dang thing. well i rolled it back in and cause im stupid i guess, i plugged it in again ,, no smoke red still all messed up and now the blue is WAY out of alignment and there is 2 pictures now top to bottom. I NEED to know what is wrong with this and how much it will cost before i get an estimate for repair. i was told (over the phone) that it was a common problem and the repair would cost between 450- 500 dollars. does this sound right? Thanks for reading this saga. Joshua

  • Joshua Borges Mar 05, 2007

    there was a black mark located between 2 holes in the board for the red tube( the only one that HAD a problem) so i just put 2 and 2 together.
    one the lightest side , i imagine so about the chopsticks but they are wood LOL .... its all i had at the time and i know that the TV's carry a ton of voltage in some places so i figured what better insulator than bamboo LMAO !!

    i am going to take it to the shop this week and leave it for a 2 week turn around , hope it comes out less than 500 but i am prepared to pay slightly more if its perfect.


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  • Posted on Mar 04, 2007
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Not knowing what the technician found and the location you live in, it would be difficult to determine the price of repair. Although, for just a convergence repair (The most common problem with rear projection televisions) it seems a little steep but not much more than the normal repair. How did you know where the resistor lying at the bottom went? This model also has a history of tubes leaking onto the boards. On the lighter side: Chop sticks are not a normal tool found in technician's repertoire. I have discussed this with my technicians. If you have more questions on this, please feel free to contact me on this repair.

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