SanDisk Sansa m240 MP3 Player Logo
Nikita Sooknarine Posted on Mar 05, 2007

Synching problems....someone please help

I'm not really sure what's wrong with it. I have a Sansa m240 and last i checked (which was awhile ago) it worked fine on my pc at home. But for some reason recently when I try plugging it into another pc it comes up as a USB storage device not an mp3 player and I can't see any of my music on the computer. The player is playing fine. The only problem is the synching. I've varied the USB settings from MPT to MSC and I always get the same thing no matter which comes up. Does anyone know how to fix this?

  • sgtjarhead Mar 17, 2008


    I am having the same problem with my Sansa m240. I have tried the steps described, but I have been unsuccessful; it still won't play my subscription tracks!

    Does my Sansa have to be completely empty of music before I try these steps? If not, is there anything else that you would suggest trying?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


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  • Posted on Apr 24, 2007
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Hi Nikki. Seems like the Operating System (is it Windows XP?) may have encountered errors loading the native drivers for your player when in MTP mode, or the Windows Media Player version on the PC your plugging your player in is Windows 9 or below. The minimum requirements of the M240 is Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Media Player 10 or above. Falling short of this minimum requirement may cause your player not to be properly recognized. But assuming that the PC you're using the player with meets all the requirements, try to re-load the native driver by plugging your player to the PC and doing the following: Step 1: Right-click on the "My Computer" icon, then select "Manage". This will open the "Computer Management" window. Step 2: Left-click on "Device Manager" If your player is currently in MTP mode, then try this: (1) Left-click in "Windows Portable Device". You should find your M240 indicated there. Check for an error indicator on the left side of that icon. The error indicator would be yellow-colored icons displayed as "!" or "?" (2): Right-click on the M240 and select "Scan for hardware changes" or "uninstall". Both would have the same effect If your player is currently in MSC mode, then try this: (1): Left-click in "Universal Serial Bus Controller". You should find a "Mass Storage Device" there (make sure that the M240 is the only device plugged in to your PC at this time). Check for an error indicator on the left side of that icon. The error indicator would be yellow-colored icons displayed as "!" or "?" (2): Right-click on the "Mass Storage" and select "Scan for hardware changes" or "uninstall". Both would have the same effect Step 3: Unplug your M240 and plug it back in. This would force Windows to re-load the driver. 90-99% of the time, it would re-load the native drivers correctly. I hope this works.

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