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My wireless connection is ok shows up on my computer..but browsing isnt working at all..internet connection not being recognised. How can i fix it?
i see the connection is perfect even perfect MBPS but it just says internet explorer cannot display webpagei see the connection is perfect even perfect MBPS but it just says internet explorer cannot display webpage
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Clear all your temp internet files as you may have corrupt cookies, assuming you have been able to surf before.
Or run this
ipconfig /flushdns then press enter.(note the gap between ipconfig and the /).
If you havent, run the network sharing wizard ensure you have set your router to enable DHCP which will give your pc an automatic IP address.
Also check the properties of your network card and on the TCP/IP properties ensure 'Obtain IP address automatically' is selected.
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i see the connection is perfect even perfect MBPS but it just says internet explorer cannot display webpage