RCA D52W19 52" Rear Projection Television Logo

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Thomas Schitka Posted on Feb 15, 2007
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Convergence issue at screen edge

I recently had the high voltage board replaced in my RCA D52W19. While the television now has a picture, there is a now a new convergence issue. The picture is fine in the middle of the screen, but the convergence gets progressively worse to the edges of the screen. Could this be a problem with the new part (identified as a PCB)? Not to place blame, but is it possible the technician nudged something by mistake that I require nudged back?

  • Thomas Schitka Feb 16, 2007

    I neglected to state the part number that was replaced is 264102 - PCB.

  • Thomas Schitka Feb 18, 2007

    You've got it, good sir!

    A little nudge in the right direction was all that was needed. The technician came and left in under 15 mintues leaving a nice, crisp picture.



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I'm a tv tech!!!!!!!! take it easy on us!!!!! we get hammered with too many calls each day . We have to hurry up and get to the next call. Seems to me we need to get younger people trained to help out with this call load. I guess i'm the fool for not going into computers instead!!!!!!!!


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  • Posted on Feb 16, 2007
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Sounds like a technician that failed to do the convergence alignment that should be checked after any repair. No nudging needed, maybe just nudge the technician who fixed it.

  • Anonymous Feb 18, 2007

    I knew it as most TV technicians don't really pay attention to the convergence upon repairing any portion of the TV.



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I turned My tv on and the top of the screen has red, green, and blue swirl lines, and the rest of it looks like watching a 3D movie without glasses, and the picture looks as if you took out the screen and...

The tv have a problems known as a convergence pictures problems,it is dead.Tv have any colors lines R,G,B mis alignments,have colors shadows pictures or pictures look like 3D?Yes,than the tv convergence board it is dead.The tv convergence board must have it components parts replaced like 2 STK convergence ICS and some or all of it resistors too.To fixed the tv convergence board to solved the tv convergence pictures problems.The tvs shops will cost u like $300-$350 for parts and labors.

My rca 52 inch model D52W19 is bowtied in the middle looks like someone feel into it still works great no cracks or breaks can you pull that out and straightin it plz help

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Projection TV sets have two very common problems. One is convergence ( 3D/Warped video) the other is CRT fluid ( Dull Video). Here are more details and solutions for both. Repair kits with instructions are also avail from www.TvRepairKits.com

Common Problem #1) Convergence has gone out

Projection TV sets need to have all three colors - RED - BLUE - GREEN - lined up correctly on the screen in order for the video to look normal. When its out of alignment the video will look 3D, wavy, distorted, etc. Most of the time you just need to adjust your convergence in the TV menu. If you cannot adjust it in the menu - then your convergence is broken and needs to be repaired.

This is a very common failure on these projection sets and a fairly simple DIY fix. All projection sets including Samsung, RCA, Sony, Philip Magnavox, Panasonic, Pioneer, Akai, GE, JVC, Toshiba, and others at some point will have the same problem.

Common Symptoms include....

  • Screen looks 3D
  • Colors don't line up
  • One or more colors can't be adjusted when using the convergence menu.
  • Screen is bowed or warped.
  • TV shuts off after powering on. Power light will blink. TV may also make a chirping noise.
Here are some pics of convergence problems.


69189a5.pngSOLUTION #1

For more more examples and find a fix using this link on Fixya http://www.fixya.com/support/r2861467-solution_video_looking_whiteish_dull

Common Problem #2) CRT Fluid is Cloudy

Projection TV tubes have a liquid coolant that is used to keep them from overheating. After many years the coolant in the blue and green tubes will become cloudy and cause the screen to look dull, red/orange, etc. You may even see halos around images.

Picture of a set that needs the fluid changed.

TV set after fluid change



You can see some more examples and find a fix using this link on Fixya http://www.fixya.com/support/r2861467-solution_video_looking_whiteish_dull

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Rca d52w19 rear projection changed flyback and cp150 cap. fuse fl231 is good . have bowed screen and 3d effect. convergence shows in menu but cannot adjust at all.

IF the FL231 fuse is good and you still can not adjust the convergence then the Convergence power supply board would be the most likely problem. You can get the replacement boards from www.tvrepairworld.com

Pictures looks 3 d

The tv have a problems known as a convergence problems,it dead.The tv convergence board require it 2 STK convergence ICS and some or all it resistors to be replaced to solved the convergence problems.The shop will cost u $300-350 for parts and labors.

Picture problems

Hello hack9, This problem is due to the possible malfunction of the convergence amplifiers, or the yoke transformers on the CRTs. Now this trouble is repairable, however it should only be attempted by a person knowing the interworkings of a TV receiver. I would suggest that you have a qualified TV Repair Technician repair this set due to the possible dangers caused by the high voltages and currents present. I hope this helps, Thank you, Shuttle83 http://www.electron-age-technologies-llc.com

Rca d52w19 convergence hell

Did you replace the convergence board or the convergence power supply board? usually one color will be a problem with the convergence board and more than one color means the convergence power supply is the problem. Ebay isnt a good place for boards as you never know if the board is good. You can get the convergence or the convergence power supply boards at the following link along with free shipping and tech support.

Picture has 3 images, all different colors (red-blue-green) screen looks concave in the middle top & bottom

This is what is known as convergence..(very common)... first question DO you have the "CONVERGENcE" option in your setup menu?.... if you dont there may be a special fuse issue... if not then more than likely it is what is known as convergence power supply issue. you have complete loss of convergence?

RCA D52W19 52 in. Rear

open it up and see if any liquid is spilled on the boards, most squeals are from the high voltage transformer and or splitter
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