Neuros (4010100) (128 MB) MP3 Player Logo

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Laura Gauvin Posted on Feb 11, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Mp3 player My mp3 player will not charge. I have been charging it for 2 days and when i unplug it from the charger it won't play. It still says the battery is dead. The mp3 player is 2 months old.

1 Answer

Mohammad Abumuailek

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  • Expert 104 Answers
  • Posted on May 25, 2007
Mohammad Abumuailek
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Joined: Jan 27, 2007

Well, charging the battery alot may cause it to malfunction. So you have to charge your battery only when in is near zero (empty), and for no more than 8 hours depending on what device you use. Now your battery is dead, so you got to replace it. Goodluck

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If the recharageable battery is more than 3 - 4 years old then the battery could be worn out.Rechargeable batteries have a finite number of charge and discharge cycles andwill lose their charge capacity over time, i.e. won't charge to 100% and graduallythe charge reduces until the battery won't charge up at all. OR The batteryshows a 100% charge but when the adapter is disconnected the battery drops offto zero capacity in a very short time. If the battery drops to an unacceptablecharge level then the battery needs to be replaced.

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Ifthe rechargeable battery is more than 3 - 4 years old then the battery could be wornout. Rechargeable batteries have a finite number of charge and discharge cyclesand will lose their charge capacity over time, i.e. won't charge to 100% andgradually the charge reduces until the battery won't charge up atall. ORThe battery shows a 100% charge but when the adapter is disconnected thebattery drops off to zero capacity in a very short time. Ifthe battery drops to an unacceptable charge level then the battery needs to bereplaced.

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Ifthe cell phone battery is more than 3 - 4 years old then the battery could be wornout. Rechargeable batteries have a finite number of charge and discharge cyclesand will lose their charge capacity over time, i.e. won't charge to 100% andgradually the charge reduces until the battery won't charge up atall. ORThe battery shows a 100% charge but when the adapter is disconnected thebattery drops off to zero capacity in a very short time. Ifthe battery drops to an unacceptable charge level then the battery needs to bereplaced.

I charge the MP3 player and it still shows "low battery" message.

There is a trick to charging the battery in these small mp3 players. It won't charge if it is turned on, and it won't charges if it's turned off. Here's what to do...
1. plug the player into your USB port. or wall charger
2. switch the player on using the mechanical switch (on the side)
3. turn it off by either holding down the play button, or selecting "System" from the menu
4. The screen will go black and the battery will begin charging.
That is if the battery is still chargeable after all this time. The battery may well require replacing.

Battery fully charged,but will not turn on when unplugged from charging cable. only plays when plugged into charger??

The battery wire inside may have broken off...its a common problem in sansa clip...if you are comfortable opening it up,you need to solder the wire into place correctly...

Battery dead unless pluged into computer. Charges

Friend, the power switch is damage thats why the charger acted as switch. replace the power switch

Mp3 player won't cut on

when you plug a charger to your mp3 it plays, because you power from a charger, part of current goes to aset and make it play and also charge your battery.
when you unplug it from charger than battery does not manage to provide power to set.
get a meter and set at amps dc. and check your battery current out side.
i suspect that your battery is not holding charge.

My Mambo- Mano MP4-MP3 does no charge

it does not seems to charge / or turn ON either from the computer or when plugged to an electrical outlet to the wall. Red light is still ON after the whole night . What's wrong ?? Can you please HELP - CODY STELLER MINE IS A 4 GIGA BITE MP4 PLEASE HELP ONLY

No power

It is very likely your battery is used up, if it still plays music while on the charger. If it can play on the charger you need a new battery.

Player won't hold charge

Yes your battery capacity is below standard you'll need to take the battery out and measure its capacity and if its below 3v then you will need to rejuvenate it.
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