Samsung SC-D107 Mini DV Digital Camcorder Logo
Casey Cothern Posted on Feb 26, 2007

I can't get my camcorder to respond at all...not even ejecting

I've had this camcorder for approx. 3 years, but only used it about a dozen times. The little use I got out of it was all in the 1st year. After shooting some footage at our family Christmas gathering it was put away until about 2 weeks later when I went to view the footage and realized there was a huge problem because the camcorder wasn't responding at all; not even ejecting my tape which was accidently left in it by my roommate, along with the battery still attached. I originally thought the battery had no more life so I bought a brand new one. Nothing changed, still no response. If I hold the camcorder close to my ear and open the tape door I can hear a faint noise like it's trying it best to operate or eject, but after 4 or 5 seconds it quits. I don't know what to do because I've tried everything I can think of besides taking it apart to remove my tape. I didn't jump on the problem right away which was a mistake, b/c now my warranty has run out. I would greatly appreciate ANY input on what I should do with my camcorder. Thanks, Casey

  • Casey Cothern
    Casey Cothern Feb 26, 2007

    I've had this camcorder for approx. 3 years, but only used it about a dozen or so times. I'm not exactly sure when or how the device quit functioning. To my knowledge the camcorder has not been dropped or misused in any way, but then again I wasn't always around to keep it away from my roommate or brother.
    Regardless, after a short time(2/3 weeks) of not using the camcorder, I went to retrieve it from it's normal spot (top of my closet, in it's camcorder bag), and as I try to turn the power on that's when I realized there was a huge problem because the camcorder wasn't responding at all, not even ejecting my tape...even after I tried plugging the power cord to it.
    I also realized a tape was left in it & the battery was still connected so I originally thought the battery had become defective and had no more life so I bought a brand new one & nothing changed, still no response from the camcorder.
    If I hold the camcorder close to my ear and open the tape door I can hear a faint noise like it's trying it best to operate or eject, but after 4 or 5 seconds it quits.
    Also, I believe there was a small bit of condensation inside the lens, so I read the manual and did what it suggested on page 103. I didn't jump on the problem right away which was a mistake, b/c now my warranty has run out.

    I'm getting desperate to make this camcorder work, so Please any input would be greatly appreciated more than you'll ever know...

    Casey C.


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Try to get it fixed or throw it away and get a new one

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