Singer CE-200 Quantum Futura Computerized Sewing Machine Logo
Evelyn Davis Posted on Feb 08, 2007

Transmition of new design

I am getting a message that a transmition to machine is still pending and I must first cancel privious transmition to continue. I did not realize I had tramsmitted anything and I have not been able to figure out how to cancel anything that might be pending. I have tried everyting in the instructions I have but I do not see cancel transmition in any of the materials I have read.

  • Gun-e Dec 24, 2007

    We have the same issue. We get the error code that a transmission is still pending and that we must cancel the previous transmission before proceding. I have done everything up to uninstalling the software and the same error code keeps us from doing anything. The previous post information was tried and it didn't work for us at all. Everything from Singer so far hasn't addressed the problem or a fix.



3 Answers



Josephina- THANk YOU!!!
I did what you suggested and it finally reset itself. I was getting frustrated - I couldn't figure this one out and the support site was useless.

Thanks again!


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  • Posted on Sep 16, 2008
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I can't believe there is no solution for this problem! Especially since this seems to be a standard pop up window. It has happened to me at least three times, and I am always so frustrated by it. Among the things I tried, (and that I think ultimately worked) was to remove the hoop; turn off the sewing machine, turn the sewing machine back on and replace the hoop while it was turned on. The machine finally reset itself and I was able to retransmit. As the earlier post suggested, I did look for other addition open windows, but I had none. Best of luck with your embroiderying.




We had the same problem tonight. It was the first time we tried the machine and we wre quite upset. The help file and manual were of no use. I disconnected the USB cable.I then opened the "tile view" under the view menu. This showed two open windows, which I closed. I then started a new design, and everything went well. Peter

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Related Questions:


When trying to transmit a embroidery design to machine says there already one waiting how do you cancel the old one

Have you already transmitted a design and it has not finished? You can open several windows at one time, so it's possible that there is a pending transmission. If there isn't, I would close the program and then reopen it. That should have cleared out any previous designs that were transmitted in a session.

Hot to stop a a previous transmition

If you don't have the transmission box up with the "Cancel" button up, then there's a few steps you have to take. First, close the software on your computer. Next, turn of the sewing machine. Unplug the USB cord both from the sewing machine and from the back of your PC. Now plug the USB back into the computer, then the sewing machine & turn the machine back on. Finally, reopen the software. This should clear the "buffer" between your computer and the machine of the pending transmission. I've had to do this every time I have a finished design before I can start a new one.

When I try to send a design to my Quantum Futura CE-200 I get a message that a transmission to machine is still pending, and I must cancel the pending design before I can continue. I have not used the...

Go to Go to FAQ and go to #7. Follow the procedure EXACTLY, save one thing that is not on there. BEFORE you do anything, make double-sure your machine is set for embroidery (E) and not sewing (S). Even if you follow the procedure exactly, if your machine is on 'S' and not 'E', you will continue to get the 'transmission' message.

How do I cancel a transmitted design. The needle

Turn the machine off and remove the hoop. Reboot the program and turn the machine back on.

Cancel previous transmition

This happens every time I finish a design. First, close the software on your computer. Next, turn off the embroidery machine. Now unplug the USB cable from the machine and then from the back of your computer. Now reverse the progress. This will clear the "buffer" between your computer and the machine. It's a bit of a pain to do each time, but it does work.


Singer CE-200 cancel previous transmission

Easiest solution is to turn everything off (machine, computer, etc.) and restart from the beginning.

Futura 100 Embroidery machine...Need to cancel previous transmit

Had the same problem. Singer rep. solved this mystery in just min. after talking to her.
You can call singer company at 1-800-4SINGER. It will take a long time to get through, but they can talk you thru to resolve this matter. Or just visit and go to F&Q section, #7 question.
Or you can email [email protected] (that's talk to us @ ...)
They answered my email the same day!
Hope this helps!

Was useing frist time use desinges

Go to Look in the F&Q section. Go exactly how the #7 question tells you. Or you can email at [email protected] They will email you back promptly.
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