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Mitsubishi WS-55311, 4 yrs old, flashing screen on all inputs
Until now this TV was working perfectly. Recently, from any input setting it will suddenly flash a blank screen (all black) in a pulsing manner but in irregular increments in the middle of watching TV, playing XBOX or even with just a blue screen. When this even happens neither the remote nor the TV operating panel function. One time the volume just spiked up to full blast without me touching anything. I checked all connections and they are secure.
Please help. Is this just a simple issue or is my TV possessed??!!!!
I have a similar prob as Demo. However when I turn on my WS-55311 I see a red screen for about 3-5 seconds. Then I get a completely black screen. I have not experienced any problems until now. Any suggestions??I have a similar prob as Demo. However when I turn on my WS-55311 I see a red screen for about 3-5 seconds. Then I get a completely black screen. I have not experienced any problems until now. Any suggestions??
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I have a similar prob as Demo. However when I turn on my WS-55311 I see a red screen for about 3-5 seconds. Then I get a completely black screen. I have not experienced any problems until now. Any suggestions??