When flash drive is inserted in usb port LED lights up for 10-15secs goes out then flashes on/off intermitently.various conflicting messages appear ie "your new hardware is installed and ready to use" or "hardware not installed cannot find necessary software" this is on my desktop computer using XP home. i tried installing it on a laptop & it works perfectly. I read that the the u3 software which is installed can conflict with cd burning programes so i uninstalled it but it made no difference, neither flash drive nor the u3 software will install
Insert the USB flash drive into one of the USB ports on your computer.
Momentarily a small prompt will appear saying the computer has detected a new removable device.
Insert the antivirus software installation CD into the disc drive of the computer to launch the installation wizard.
If you downloaded the program, double-click the downloaded file to launch the installation wizard.
Read through and accept the license agreement, then click "Browse" when shown the installation location.
A search window will appear on the screen. Choose the USB flash drive and click "OK."
Click "Next" for the installation name and select "Install." The antivirus program now will install onto the USB flash drive
hope this helps
Usually answered in minutes!
thanks for your reply Tim,tried all three solutions but still no joy.a new message appeared after rebooting with the device still in the USBslot'THIS DEVICE CANNOT START(CODE 10). my computer has 4 USbslots 2 connected to printers and 2 unused I've tried the device in all 4 - no luck!
i have the same product but with 4 GB unable to install device . im getting the same message ' this device cannot start { code 10 } and also works perfectly on laptop