SanDisk 2GB Cruzer Micro SDCZ62048A10 Hard Drive Logo

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jack hood Posted on Feb 16, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Usb flash drive will not install

When flash drive is inserted in usb port LED lights up for 10-15secs goes out then flashes on/off intermitently.various conflicting messages appear ie "your new hardware is installed and ready to use" or "hardware not installed cannot find necessary software" this is on my desktop computer using XP home. i tried installing it on a laptop & it works perfectly. I read that the the u3 software which is installed can conflict with cd burning programes so i uninstalled it but it made no difference, neither flash drive nor the u3 software will install

  • jack hood Feb 19, 2007

    thanks for your reply Tim,tried all three solutions but still no joy.a new message appeared after rebooting with the device still in the USBslot'THIS DEVICE CANNOT START(CODE 10). my computer has 4 USbslots 2 connected to printers and 2 unused I've tried the device in all 4 - no luck!

  • Anonymous Feb 15, 2008

    i have the same product but with 4 GB unable to install device . im getting the same message ' this device cannot start { code 10 } and also works perfectly on laptop


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  • Posted on Feb 18, 2007
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Try applying a small amount of pressure to the drive(up or down). The contacts might not be making a good connection. Have you updated the drivers for your pci to usb connections? Have you rebooted the machine with the dirve in the USB slot? Let me know what happens Tim

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Just got a Baird 55" FHD LED TV DVB-T2 Television I've plugged a USB flash drive into the USB port but a pop up on screen keeps saying " insert USB device " The flash drive works on laptop and other TV...

Most likely flash drive format not compatible with your TV. Need to format flash drive to be compatible with TV. But you will lose everything on the flash drive.

Windows vista

There were several models made in the Classic format.
Early units had either Firewire or USB ports.
If would need an External CD Drive that plugs into the port on the player. Drivers would have to obtained from Apple at their web site and copied to a CD. Then a CD with the drivers would be inserted into a USB CD Drive and loaded on tot eh Player. The other solution is to Download the Drivers onto a computer, insert a FLASH Drive into the USB port on the computer, copy the drivers to the Flash Drive, and move the Flash drive over to the IPod's USB port. Copy the drivers or install from the Flash Drive.

How to install anti virus

Insert the USB flash drive into one of the USB ports on your computer.

Momentarily a small prompt will appear saying the computer has detected a new removable device.

Insert the antivirus software installation CD into the disc drive of the computer to launch the installation wizard.

If you downloaded the program, double-click the downloaded file to launch the installation wizard.

Read through and accept the license agreement, then click "Browse" when shown the installation location.

A search window will appear on the screen. Choose the USB flash drive and click "OK."

Click "Next" for the installation name and select "Install." The antivirus program now will install onto the USB flash drive

hope this helps


I got a new transcend USB jetflash drive 16GB, but my system not showing any response towards it, what shall i do..??? is to download a software for it...??

Flash drives do not need a drivers (plug and play). There are several possibilities:

1. Assumptions: USB port error, computer drivers normal, normal flash drive.
Solution: insert a flash drive into another USB port. If the USB port 1 is not detected, insert flash drive into a USB 2, USB 3 or USB 4.
2. Assumption: normal USB ports, computer driver error, a normal flash drive
Solution: reinstall the chipset drivers, or USB.
3. Assumption: normal USB port,
computer driver normal, flash drive is broken
Solution: try to insert the flash drive into another computer. If the flash drive is not detected, it means your flash drive is damaged.

Solution to determine the cause of damage:
1. If you have a USB mouse, use the mouse to check the damage to the USB port. Example: connect the mouse to the USB 1, USB 2, USB 3 or USB 4. If every USB port, mouse is detected, the conclusion normal USB port
2. To check your computer's drivers, right-click My Computer - Properties - Hardware - Device Manager


3. If points 1 and 2 are normal, the possibility of flash drive damaged.
Because the new flash drive, flash drive is most likely normal. Based on experience, cause damage to the flash drive is a USB port is dirty. The USB port is dirty, can cause short-circuit flash drive. The characteristics of short-circuit flash drive. When inserted into a USB flash drive (about 5 seconds), the temperature of the flash drive become extremely hot. If there are problems like this, immediately unplug the flash drive, to prevent permanent damage.

I hope this information helps.


How to install a USB flash drive

Just plug your USB flash drive into the USB port of your computer or other USB-equipped device and drag the files you want to take with you into the folder that appears on your screen. Your files are instantly transferred to your USB flash drive. To transfer the items on your USB flash drive onto another computer, simply plug your USB flash drive into the computer that you want the files transferred to, open the folder that appears on your screen, and drag the desired files onto the computer's desktop.

1.) Insert Flash Drive into the USB Port of your computer.

-Where is my USB port? It is usually found in newer model computers in a hidden compartment on the front of the hard drive and in the back of the hard drive on older computers. The port for laptops is found on the side or back of the computer.

2.) Wait for the hardware to automatically install on your computer.

After the hardware is installed, it is ready to use!

3.) In most cases, an Options Window will automatically open. Select "Open folder to view files" Click "OK."

My drive is almost fill a 4g now when i plug it in it is not reading any of the stored files.

Hello there!

USB flash drives in general, are wonderful little tools that allow people to store a relatively a large amount of data in a compact and portable interface that is extremely easy to use at all. The downside of storing lots of critical data on a USB flash drive, however, is that they're fairly susceptible to damage and that you can lose all of your information immediately if something goes wrong. When troubleshooting a USB flash drive, there are several key things to check and to remember that will help you to determine whether your flash drive is destroyed or not.

1. Look and see whether or not your USB flash drive's indicator lights are activated when it is plugged in to your computer's USB port. The vast majority of USB flash drives have small LED lights located somewhere on them that flash intermittently when they're hooked up to a computer. If your light does not turn on, then it's either not plugged in properly or is damaged and likely not repairable.

2. Make sure to download and install the right driver software for your USB flash drive.
3. Try your USB flash drive on more than one computer before giving up on it altogether. If it works on another computer, then the problem is likely with your computer hardware or software, not with the USB flash drive.
4. If you cannot restore your files, you may use a third party software to recover them.


Flash drives inserted in usb ports shuts down

make sure there is no virus in flash drive boot the system in safe mode and run complete scan the system and flash drive.

How to insert a flash drive to an acer laptop

This is simple. Just plug it into the USB port and away you go.
The drivers should be located automatically, but if not then use the manufacturers website to obtain these

Usb 8 gb doesn't show on my pc, light flickers and stays on

Probably the flash drive is not getting enough power from the computer. Try to connect the flash drive to the USB port located at the back of the tower.
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