Sony NW-E95 (512 MB) MP3 Player Logo
Ken Jamin Posted on Feb 11, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Unable to Install Drivers

-Unable to see mp3 player in list on My Computer -Problems with the USB Driver -Device Manager says: "The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)" -Attempts made to reinstall drivers -Many versions of drivers found using hardware wizard -Any attempts to install any of the drivers results in this error message: "The driver installation file for this device is missing a necessary entry. This may be because the INF was written for Windows 95 or later. Contact your hardware vendor." What can I do?

  • Anonymous May 19, 2008

    I am experiencing the same error message when trying to install a Verizon Aircard on my laptop - I had no problem installing this software on a stationary computer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled - My computer is only 4 years old. Windows recognizes the the device but will not install the software. I have checked the device manager and there is a large yellow "?" mark next to the device I have tried from this screen to repair still no success.


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  • Posted on Feb 27, 2009
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Try to re-install your motherboards chipset (inf) driver.after that try to install your mp3 player.


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Cannnot download music to ryobi tek 4 all play mp3 player pc doesnt recoginize it

plug it into a USB port usually located at the front of a computer or if its a laptop it could be on the side once inserted it should install it if it fails to install itself you might have to install it manually
click start control panel administrive tools computer management device manager scroll down universal serial bus controllers you could see a yellow question mark? It might be listed as a mass storage device
right click to reinstall drivers
if you can see your usb drive but its not working
ports (com&lpt)right click update driver
click start control panel administrive tools ,computer management ,device manager look through all of your devices if you see a yellow question mark?or exclamation mark ! or red x
right click to reinstall drivers
click start all programs accessories open windows explorer my computer you should see your drive it might be listed as a mass storage device hope this helps


Infitek MP4 8GB player - No Drivers??

What windows version are you suing?? Try going to device manager and look for a root hub there or any usb device that has a exclamation mark then right click on it select update driver and let the wizard search for the driver.

Hope that helps..........

Sansa View: is not recognized by my computer

See myother TIP posted here on this site. About MSC and MTP Connection problems.

First thing to do is:
Try otherUSB ports on your computer. A USB port on the back of a PC usually has better poweroutput.
Try adifferent cable if there's one available, to rule out if you have a bad cable.
Tryanother computer.
If none of the above works:
Then-Check and refresh the drivers in Windows, for a Portable Device.
1 -Connect your player to the PC
2 -Check under Device Manager
-> 1.Right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
NOTE: The player should show up on the Device Manager's right pane as:
1. USB Mass Storage device (if the player is set to MSC)
2.Portable Device (if the player is set to MTP mode.)

(See my other TIP listed above for an Explanation of MSC and MTP modes)

If thereis a yellow exclamation point (!) or question mark (?) beside the device, tryto refresh the drivers.
Then -Refresh the drivers
1.Right-click the entry with the error mark, select Uninstall.
2. On thetop menu, click Action then select Scan for hardware changes.

If your BRAND NEW player is NOT recognized by the computer when plugged in:
This may becaused by one of the following:
1.Minimum system requirements were not met.
2.Corrupted drivers.
3.Computer restrictions, Vista or 7 authorizations.
4. Powerissue, plug your player into the back of the computer.

Next be sure you are using WindowsMedia player :
Version10 or 11
Downloadand install the latest Windows Media Player if it's not installed.

If all this has failed - Refresh the drivers again.

If allthat does not work - Manually add the hardware driver.
1. Connect the Sansa player in MTP mode
2. Manually install the device driver through Windows device manager in control panel. Install the Device as a Portable Device.


When I plug in my mp3, i cant sync because wmp doesnt recognize the mp3 at all. I was trying to find software or driver download to help fix. please help!

Hi, Looking for Drivers.

In order to download the right driver for a Coby MP3 player, you'll need to go to the Coby website support page where you can download software drivers (See Resources). To find the driver you need, you first need to identify which device you're using. Select "MP3 & Portable" under where it says "Select a Product" on the first box on the left. In the second box, it will be "MP3 & MP4 players." The final box lists all of the MP3 and MP4 players that Coby produces. You'll need to find your MP3 player in this list. The designation will be letters and number such as "Mp200". It should be listed on the box. Once your MP3 player is selected, clicking on the "Submit" button at the bottom will cause the text "Available Downloads for Mp200" (or whatever your MP3 player is called) to appear towards the bottom of the screen. Underneath, there should be a link for "Driver," if there is one available for your player. Clicking on that will allow you to download it.


If you click "OK" on the download screen, your driver should install. It will likely be in a ".zip" format, which means another program is needed to "unzip" the file so that you can install it. An example of such a program is WinRAR (See Resources). This program needs to be installed first, before it can be used to unzip your driver file. After you've downloaded the program, opening the installation file will begin the installation process. Choose a directory for where the program will be installed. After installation is complete, you can go back to the ".zip" driver file. Double-clicking on the file will bring up a new window. You can now drag your driver files from inside the .zip folder to any folder on your computer that you wish. There will be a file marked "Setup" among the unzipped folders. Opening this file should allow you to install the drivers you need on your computer.

Also Coby mp3 player not recognized by the computer.

Why is my Coby player not being detected by my computer when I connect it?

This may be caused by one of the following:
1. Minimum system requirements were not met.
2. Corrupted drivers.
3. Computer restrictions.
4. Power issue.

To resolve this issue, try the following solutions:

SOLUTION 1 - For brand new player or first time connecting to this computer.

For Windows XP users: verify the following operating system requirements are met.
- Windows XP SP2 or higher
- Windows Media Player 10 or higher

Download and install the latest Windows Media Player if it's not installed.

For Windows Vista users: If the player is seen in My Computer when using MTP mode, but not showing in Windows Media Player.
- Download the hotfix from
- Run the hotfix.

For MAC users, see player not recognized by a MAC OS

NOTE: If you are trying to connect to a Computer at work that is part of a network, there may be user right restrictions that are set to disable access to new hardware or stop any program installations. You may need to check with your IT administrator to see if this is causing the problem.

SOLUTION 2 - Refresh the driver

STEP 1 - Connect the Coby mp3 player to the PC
The screen on your player should turn on, show 'Connected' and indicate the battery charging or full.
- If the player does not turn on try other USB ports or on another computer if one is readily available. Ensure you are connecting directly to the computer USB port and not to a USB hub.
- If there is nothing showing on the screen and the player does show up in as a storage device in an explorer window, then the screen is just not working.

If you receive the error "USB Device Not Recognized" on the computer, the player is most likely failed. Additional troubleshooting is unlikely to correct the problem.


STEP 2 - Check under Device Manager
1. Right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
2. Click Device Manager on the left pane.

NOTE: Coby mp3 player can connect to your computer in MSC or MTP mode. Exceptions are Coby mp3 player Connect and Coby mp3 player Express which only use MTP mode. MTP mode is the recommended and default method for Coby Players when used with Windows OS.

The Coby player will show up on Device Manager's right pane as:
1. USB Mass Storage device (if the player is set to MSC)
2. Portable Device (if the player is set to MTP mode)

If there is a yellow exclamation point (!) or question mark (?) beside the device, try to refresh the drivers.

STEP 3 - Refresh the drivers
1. Right-click the entry with the error mark, select Uninstall.
2. On the top menu, click Action then select Scan for hardware changes.

NOTE: If a device with yellow exclamation point (!) continually appears and disappears, then the player is most likely failed. Additional troubleshooting is unlikely to correct the problem.

Hope that helped..

I have an eclipse mp3 player. I'm trying to synch it for the first time. It doesn't show up as a removeable storage on my computer. It's not recognized as being plugged in at all.


Go to Control-panel->device manager. Click on 'portable devices' and the eclipse should be listed. It may well have a warning sign on. Right click and click 'Update driver software'. Click 'Browse my computer for driver software'. Then click 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. There should be an option of 'mtp device' Click that and then click 'next'. That should reinstall the driver and your pc then pick up the device again.

My pc is not recognizing my sansa mp3 player clip model 1GB. Do I

Here is the manipulation to be done to remedy this.

To begin, open Windows Explorer and click the Tools /Folder Options /Display. Look in the list "Hidden files and folders" and check "Show hidden files and folders."
  • Right click on the icon "My Computer" from desktop and then click Properties. Then click on Hardware then Device Manager.
  • Right click on the line marked "Unknown Device" and click "Update Driver".
  • Then in the wizard to update the hardware choose "No, not this time."
  • Click "Next."
  • Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)".
  • Click Next.
  • Then click on "Do not search I will choose the driver to install".
  • Choose from the list of hardware USB hub.
  • Click Next.
  • Click on "Disk".
  • A window opens. Then click "Browse", go to C: /windows/inf and select usbstor.inf and click Open.
  • The path of the selected driver will appear in the previous window. Click "OK". The driver will be installrd and you have a line called "Device USB Mass Storage".
  • Choose from the list of hardware "Storage Volume".
  • Click "Next."
  • Click on "Disk".
  • A window opens. Click "Browse", go to C: /windows/ inf and select volsnap.inf select and click "Open."
  • Then the path of the selected driver will appear in the previous window. Click "OK". The driver will be installed and you have a line called "Generic Volume".

The driver for my Emerson 2gb MP3 player is on an undersized cd. How do I get the driver?

Emerson does not have a support page on their web-site for driver downloads.
Dont know if this will work, try it:
Update driver on your computer using Control Panel, then System, then Hardware, then Device Manager, then Storage Volumes. When promted to update or find a new driver select to find your own windows driver and select the "USB Storage Device" drivers NOT the MTP Drivers. You should see the Emerson MP3 player icon in My Computer after files are configured.

You can also see if some friends might have a CD/DVD player that accepts the smaller discs, if so, have them copy the entire disc to a USB Flash drive or regular CD. Then try to install it from there.

I bought a second hand nano not working

Locate the iPod in Device Manager
  1. Connect iPod to the computer.
  2. Quit iTunes if it launches.
  3. On the Start menu, click Control Panel.
  4. In Control Panel, open Administrative Tools. Note: If you don't see Administrative Tools, look at the left column in Control Panel for a link that says, "Switch to Classic View," and click it.
  5. Double click the Computer Management shortcut.
  6. In the left column, click on Device Manager.
  7. In the right column, click the plus (+) icon next to Universal Serial Bus controllers to expand this selection. ts1538_1.jpg
  8. Locate the iPod in this list. In some cases one of the entries will have "iPod" in its name. If no such entries are present, the iPod is most likely represented by "USB Mass Storage Device." ts1538_2.jpg ts1538_3.jpg
Note: A red "X" appearing next to the iPod's entry in Device Manager indicates this device is disabled. To enable this device, right-click its entry in Device Manager and choose Enable from the shortcut menu.
ts1538_4.jpg Update the USB driver
  1. Right-click the iPod's entry in Device Manager and choose Update Driver from the shortcut menu.
  2. In the Hardware Update Wizard that appears, select "Yes, this time only" to allow Windows to connect to the Windows Update Website. Click Next. ts1538_5.jpg
  3. Select "Install the software automatically (Recommended)" and click Next. Windows searches for updated drivers and installs any it finds. If Windows is unable to find updated drivers on its own, continue with step #4.
  4. Click Back.
  5. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)" and click Next.
  6. Select "Search for the best driver in these locations."
  7. Select "Include this location in the search" and type the following in the field below: C:\Windows\INF ts1538_6.jpg
  8. Click Next. Windows searches this location for drivers and installs any it finds. If Windows is unable to find updated drivers on its own, you must reinstall the USB drivers as shown below.
Note: During installation, if a message appears stating that the software you are installing "has not passed Windows Logo testing" click Continue Anyway to continue installing the drivers.
Reinstall USB driver
  1. Right-click the iPod's entry in Device Manager and choose Uninstall from the shortcut menu. ts1538_7.jpg
  2. In the resulting dialog box, click OK.
  3. In the Device Manager window, right-click Universal Serial Bus controllers and choose Scan for hardware changes from the shortcut menu.
ts1538_8.jpg Windows automatically reinstalls the necessary USB drivers and attempt to remount the iPod.

Try these and reply me about the current status of the ipod..

My computer wont recognize

right click on "my computer" select "Device Manager" the u will see from the list a device which is named "OPAL" select update driver.. then u are prompted to search the drivers device (recommended).. click the "I will select the driver for my device" then select USB device and select the driver,, this will install the US driver,, after that ur computer can read ur player..

Mitone 1gb mp3 player

see connect to internet and from my computer check for device manager there you will see in the list of hardware that your unknown device will be listed right click on it and properties from there you update your driver from internet!!hope this solves your problem
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