Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX Personal Web Camera Logo
daniel brown Posted on Jan 22, 2007
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I got a Mac powerbook and I cant get this Quickcam STx to work.

I installed the software but cant launch it. I got a folder for it but it only has logitech camera control and something to capture pics. It did everything i was told and it still wont work. I hope some one can help me out.

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  • Logitech Master 2,130 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 16, 2013
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1st You download Webcam Driver.
Quickcam Driver
After this install the Webcam driver in the system.
Installation of Webcam Driver
Go to the control panel
Click on the System Icon
Click on the Hardware Tab
Click on the Device Manager s
Select the Unknown Device or printer device where yellow Question Marks sign on it.
Right click on it and uninstall it.
After this go to the top of the device manager and click on scan for hardware changes.
Driver installation Wizard start.
Brows Your Driver from the Hard Disk and click on next.
Driver will be install.


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  • Master 2,961 Answers
  • Posted on Jan 26, 2007
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Joined: Oct 10, 2006

It sounds like the drivers for the camera are there, but not the software programme. Can you use the camera in Windows live once it has been set up in the options? Is your camera recognised when connected? or is it just the software that's not working.


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Successfully installing Hyper-Utility2 on my Mac

Hi Paula,

Something that happens with Macs is the file permissions get messed up from installer programs. This problem usually can be corrected by running the disk tools program. It is usually located in your Applications folder in the Utilities sub folder.

You did not specify with version of OSX your Powerbook Pro is running. Make sure you have all the updates from Apple for your OS. You might also need to get an update from Fuji for the Hyper-Utility2 software. That can be found here: Fuji

Lastly, iPhoto is compatible for quick downloads from your camera

How do i change the settings for a better picture on logitech quickcam communicate STX? im using windows XP I cant find any button for "settings" to the webcam.

Launch the Logitech toolbar from your desktop or from All Programs
The settings menu is the 2 gear wheel logo on the toolbar.
Start your cam first in the Quick Capture menu (2 film frames)
Make sure your USB is 2.0 (enhanced)
You may have to reinstall the latest software from here



Cant find the disc on my powerbook g4

STart up your G4 using the OS disc for leopard, but instead of reinstalling the system, go to the menu at the top of the screen and Launch Disk Utility.
You may need to remount your hard drive. The disk utitliy can do this for you. Then it should appear in the disk utillity window. Then you should be able to install the OS and away you go!

Camera doesn't come on when I try to activate installation.

sotware for cameras dont work for apple unless in UVC mode means plug and play. here is a list of cameras compatiable to apple computers.

amera Name P/N QuickCam E3500/E3560 860-000095 QuickCam Ultra Vision SE 860-000023 QuickCam Ultra Vision 861238 QuickCam Orbit/Sphere MP 861305 QuickCam Fusion 861304 QuickCam Pro 5000 861306 QuickCam Pro 9000 861464 QuickCam Pro for Notebooks 860-000026 QuickCam for Notebooks Pro 861303 QuickCam Communicate MP (S5500) 860-000106 QuickCam Communicate Deluxe (S7500) 860-000107 QuickCam Communicate Deluxe 861235 QuickCam Deluxe for Notebooks 860-000009 QuickCam Vision Pro for Mac 860-000143
QuickCam Orbit AF 860-000063

Logitech Quickcam install on a Mac OS X or mac laptop

Is there a way to get this web camera working on XP SP1? I just need drivers, no camera management software or anything. Best regards. M/N: V-UCV39 P/N: 860-000114 PID: LZ823BR

Cant save pictures

QuickCam Gallery
Your pictures and videos can be viewed in the QuickCam gallery. To view your pictures in the Gallery:
  1. Launch QuickCam (Start > Programs > Logitech > Logitech QuickCam)
  2. From the QuickCam menu, click the QuickCapture button as shown below:
  3. View your pictures and videos in the Gallery area located below the main QuickCapture window as shown below:
For the picture gallery, click in the picture icon:

For the video gallery, click on the film icon:

My Pictures / My Videos Picture Files:
You can also view your pictures and videos by opening the QuickCam folder in My Pictures or My Videos. To see your pictures this way, do the following:
  1. Open the My Pictures folder (Start > My Pictures) as shown below:

    NOTE: If you have Classic view in Windows XP, simply open the My Documents folder on your desktop and then open the My Pictures folder.
  2. Open the QuickCam folder.
  3. Your pictures will be shown as follows:
  4. To view your pictures, double-click and they will open in the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer or any other picture viewer you have set as your default picture viewer on your computer..

Video Files:
To view your video files:
  1. Open My Documents folder as shown below:
  2. Open the My Videos folder:
  3. Open the QuickCam folder:
  4. Double-click on the video file you wish to view and it will open in Windows Media Player or any other video player you have set as your default video player on your computer.

Hi, i would like to take live picturs and/or video while i am chating with skype and dont know how to do it. will you help me ? thanks, eddie

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>- --> Skype issues with your QuickCam Communicate STX trnsp.gif Detailed Description 1754.1.0.jpg This article explains what to do if you have problems using Skype with your QuickCam Communicate STX.
Model Number: V-UBK45
trnsp.gif Answer If you are experiencing difficulties using the QuickCam Communicate STX with Skype, check the following:

Verify the QuickCam Communicate STX is functional:
  1. Launch QuickCam software (Start > Programs > Logitech > Logitech QuickCam)
  2. Verify that you can see yourself in the QuickCam window as shown below:
  3. Close the QuickCam window.
Verify that the QuickCam Communicate STX is selected in the Skype Settings:
  1. Launch Skype (Start > Programs > Skype > Skype)
  2. Click Options from the Tools menu as shown below:
  3. Select the Video Settings option from the Skype sidebar as shown below:
  4. Check the Enable Skype Video checkbox as shown below:
  5. Check the "Start my video automatically when I am in a call" checkbox as shown below:
  6. Verify that your QuickCam Communicate STX is selected from the Camera drop-down menu as shown below:
  7. Verify that your QuickCam Communicate STX is selected from the Microphone drop-down menu as shown below:
  8. Verify that the "Let Skype adjust my audio settings" option is checked in Audio Settings as shown below:
If you still cannot see or hear the other person, it can be due to a variety of possible issues, including:
  • Windows or third-party firewalls
  • Your internet service provider (AT&T, Comcast, etc) could be blocking certain services.
  • Missing Windows system components.

Logitech Quickcam install on a Mac OS X or mac laptop

I have the sama problem, i have buy today this cam, and the customer service have say to me is ok with mac, u should download the driver in internet, but therearent on line.. when we can find??

Bought quickcam for notebooks for my mac ...don t know how to start installing the software...is this webcam gonna work fot r my powerbook?

Insert the Webcam, and then run the installation disc. Logitech has very good and clear directions on how to install the device.
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